Thanks for posting the first map!
I've made a mapping Djay Pro to work with xdj rx. I've managed to map as much as i could, the only thing that i didn't manage to map was the jog led's and the level vu meters of the channels and the master level.I hope u like this mapping... Enjoy!!!Sorry for my english!
1- Play/Pause
2- Cue
3- Skip 4 beat’s backward’s
4- Skip 4 beat’s forward’s
5- Load previous track
6- Load next track
7- Reverse
8- Reset tempo
9- Loop in
10- Loop out
11- Reloop on/off
12- Loop half
13- Loop double
14- Fx1 enabled
15- Fx2 enabled
16- Fx1/Fx2 parameter adjust
17- Scratch mode on/off
18- Sync on/off
19- Master on/off
20- Tempo range
21- Key on/off
22- Tempo
23- Scratch
24- Pitch bend
25- Hot cue 1,2,3,4
A- Hot cue1 (28+A - Delete Hot cue1)
B- Hot cue2 (28+B - Delete Hot cue2)
C- Hot cue3 (28+C - Delete Hot cue3)
D- Hot cue4 (28+D - Delete Hot cue4)
28+25- Hot cue 5,6,7,8
A- Hot cue5 (28+A - Delete Hot cue5)
B- Hot cue6 (28+B - Delete Hot cue6)
C- Hot cue7 (28+C - Delete Hot cue7)
D- Hot cue8 (28+D - Delete Hot cue8)
26- Auto beat loop
A- Beat loop 1
B- Beat loop 2
C- Beat loop 4
D- Beat loop 8
28+A- Beat loop 1/16
28+B- Beat loop 1/8
28+C- Beat loop 1/4
28+D- Beat loop 1/2
28+26 Sampler
A- Play Sample 1
B- Play Sample 2
C- Play Sample 3
D- Play Sample 4
28+A- Play Sample 5
28+B- Play Sample 6
27- Fx
A- Absorb Fx
B- Drift Fx
C- Sway Fx
D- Crush Fx
28+A- Punch Fx
28+B- Twist Fx
28+C- Low-Pass
28+D- High-Pass
28+27- Bounce loops
A- Bounce loop 1
B- Bounce loop 2
C- Bounce loop 4
D- Bounce loop 8
28+A- Bounce loop 1/16
28+B- Bounce loop 1/8
28+C- Bounce loop 1/4
28+D- Bounce loop 1/2
29- Music library select
30- Toggle sample
31- Automix on/off
32- Library expand on/off
33- Focus playlist
34- Rec on/off
35- Move up/down in library (press = focus track)
36- Load track left (Deck 1) and right (Deck 2)
37- Change video transition
38- Master volume
u can download it from here https://www.dropbox.com/s/xmu1gwk43eam2ta/Xdj%20Rx%202.10%20mapping%20for%20Algoriddim%20Djay%20Pro.djayMidiMapping?dl=0
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Thanks for posting the first map!
Hey. I was checking out your file because I am working on a file for the DDJ-SR2. I cannot get the HOTCUEs to work properly. I copied an action from your XML. DJAY Pro seems to ignore it and when I modifiy the mapping file, the action in the GUI is blank. Here is an example:
I think I figured it out. If I take out "Position3" in the beginning it works. I switched to