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Traktor Pro 2.10.1 Xdj Rx 2.10 mapping

I want to share with u xdj rx owner's my mapping for traktor pro... I hope it will help u to use the traktor function's at max.

this mapping work with traktor pro 2.10.1

EDIT! : i've managed to mapp all led's.A big thnx to baer gianluca for helping me ;)


1- play/pause

2- cue

3- seek position <

4- seek position >

5- track up load

6- track down load

7- expand/collapse browser tree

8- tempo reset

9- loop in

10- loop out

11- loop active on/off

12- loop half

13- loop double

14- delete current hot cue

15- set hot cue

16- vinyl on/off

17- sync on/off

18- set as master tempo

19- tempo range

20- key on/off

21- tempo

22- jog touch

23- pitch bend

24- Hot Cue

      28- Hot Cue 1

      29- Hot Cue 2

      30- Hot Cue 3

      31- Hot Cue 4

25- Loop

      28- Loop 1

      29- Loop 2

      30- Loop 4

      31- Loop 8

26- Loop

      28- Loop /16

      29- Loop /8

      30- Loop /4

      31- Loop /2

27- press to delete hot cue

27+28 Hot Cue 1 delete

    +29 Hot Cue 2 delete

    +30 Hot Cue 3 delete

    +31 Hot Cue 4 delete

32- full screen on/off

33- filter on/off

34- headphones cue/master

35- headphones volume

36- cue CH1

37- cue CH2

38- maximize browser on/off

39- rec on/off

40- sample trigger

       left for Deck C

       right for Deck D

41- remixes layout selector (press to change layout)

42- effect selector,from left to right (Delay,Ramp Delay,Filter LFO,Reverb,Phaser,Flanger,Gater,Beatmasher2

43- deck 1 or 2 fx unit selector (u have to turn the knob on deck 1 position for deck 1 or deck 2 position for deck 2 to activate the fx unit)

44- move up/down in browser tree

45- dry/wet for activated effect

46- effect on/off

47- deck switch from deck A/B to deck C/D

48- decks layout selector (turn the knob from left to right to change decks layout)

49- master level

u can download the mapping from

here http://traktorbible.com/freaks/mappingview.aspx?id=945   or

here https://maps.djtechtools.com/mappings/5643


Dj Hairless

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18 commentaires


This mapping does not address the cue issue....PLEASE HELP!!!!

William Brown 0 votes
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Everything works EXCEPT the CUE....What's the point if you can't hear waht you are mixing.


William Brown 0 votes
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u cant here the track that u want to mix in you're headphones???


Dj Hairless 0 votes
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Yes...Everything else works except the cue on the unit. 


William Brown 0 votes
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even with my mapping??? audio setup are right??? the cueing works on xdj rx playing tracks from usb ??? 

Dj Hairless 0 votes
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Yes the unit works fine in USB mode, I want to use this unit in MIDI mode (USING TRAKTOR PRO 2) I updated the firmware and TSI file is up to date (ACCORDING TO PIONEER TECH). The tech seems to think that it might be a hardware issue but would it still not work in USB mode if it was a hardware issue???? This is really driving me crazy.

William Brown 0 votes
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try this settings in traktor see if the cue are set right to the right channel... appart this i don't realy how to help u :(

Dj Hairless 0 votes
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Alright. Thanks for your help. I will give this more attention when I get off work today. I will keep you posted. Thanks for your time and help.


William Brown 0 votes
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no can do, I tried everything and nothing worked. I followed your instructions to the T. I give up, So ready to throw this piece of shit in the garbage.


William Brown 0 votes
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@William > I've looked at @Hairless' configuration, it seems solid. Are you on a Mac or PC?

Pulse 0 votes
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hey pulse! you please let me have the notation and the LEDs channels of XDJ rx jog? I rearranged mapping traktor wrong more after upgrading! if you do me this favor I finish and then I will share it! I mapped the mixer midi because traktor using the mixer is also in mode XDJ rx but does not command the LEDs! then I've also remapped entire mixer including vu meters and all the LEDs! I miss just those of the jog! thank you

dj veleno 0 votes
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i have finished my mapping all function whit leds jog vu meters all led function effect loop hot cue mixer all mapping ( mixer in midi mode )

dj veleno 0 votes
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@baer gianluca : can u share you're mapping to see if it works with mine xdj rx????

Dj Hairless 0 votes
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mettere il mixer in midi mode . tenendo premuti tasti reverse i potenziometri alti medi e bassi sono i tre effetti knob, e il knob vinil speed e il dry wet degli effetti rispettivamente nei due deck , il button dell effetto si attiva muovendo gli knob, rimangono liberi tutti i tasti dei color effect e dei beat effect del mixer non li ho mappati, il tasto tag rename porta traktor in full screen, il resto loop mixer play cue jog vinil mt sinc hot cue slip rimane invariato e funzionante , in più funzionano anche i led dei jog ed il vu meter,


put the mixer in midi mode. holding down the reverse button equalize the potentiometers are the three knob effects, and Knob vinyl speed and dry wet effects respectively in the two deck, the button of the effect is activated by moving the knob, remain free all the effect of colored keys and beat effect of the mixer I have not mapped them, tag rename button brings traktor in full screen, the rest mixer loop play cue jog vinyl mt sinc hot cue slip remains unchanged and running, more LEDs also function of jog and vu meter,


dj veleno 0 votes
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can some one tell me what channel is assigned for the xdj rx master level led meter??? i need to complete my mapping for traktor... all the led's working,except master level which i cant find to mapp https://maps.djtechtools.com/mappings/5643 here is the working led's tsi for traktor pro 

Edit! Never mind... i was doing my mapping at night with master level low so i dind't saw that is working :D

Dj Hairless 0 votes
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Who can tell me how I get Led s switched back is much too dark when placed ?
DJ MA-KO 0 votes
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