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factory reset procedure

Bruno Martino Répondu

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Hi I've connected my DDJ RX with traktor using the TSI file from the SX2 and now rekordbox doesn't work when I connect the unit with it! It recognize the ddj but any reaction! How can I set the unit in  factory mode.

my computer is a MacBook Pro with El Capitan 

thank you for helping me 

Bruno Martino 0 votes
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Yes i've done it ! in utility mode the pad hot cue of the right deck is switch on .the controller doesn't comunicate with rekordbox . in utility mode in my macbook i've uninstalled the icon DDJ RX in the MIDI STUDIO . maybe if i reinstall rekordbox ... i don't know

thank you for your fast answer Pulse


Bruno Martino 0 votes
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Hopefully it still working with Traktor


Bruno Martino 0 votes
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ok will do it and tell you the result.

Thank you

Bruno Martino 0 votes
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Dear tech guy's from Pioneer, how can I reset my DDJ RX to factory default?

I've turned it on with SHIFt and PLAY/PAUSE en accidently pressed some buttons... Now I'm lost and the DDJ RX is doing unexpected things.

Please help me, I can't find anywhere how to get it back to factory default settings...

By the way, I'm running Rekordbox DJ 4.06 on a Mac

renediertens 0 votes
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there is no drivers for Mac only for windows


Bruno Martino 0 votes
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@Bruno > Sorry, I missed that you were using the MacBook in the first post.

There is no way to reset it - you'll just have to go through the manual and change the settings in the UTILITY mode to get it back to normal.

Pulse 0 votes
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Thanks, but i'm not talking about software changes, i'm talking about hardware changes. I've booted up the DDJ RX in utilities mode and in that mode i've changed a few things i should not have done. My question is how to reset the settings in the DDJ RX. So without any computer attached to it.

renediertens 0 votes
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Ah, ok. Thanks. So can there be any other reason that the DDJ RX is not behaving properly? I've just updated to Rekordbox DJ 4.06 and now, when entering PAD FX mode, my pad's are no longer lit. They are just dark. Until I press one, then it starts to lit. And that goes for all the pad's. Also in PAD FX 2 mode and also when hitting SAMPLER mode. Maybe it has something to do with the software update?

renediertens 0 votes
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@renediertens > Change to the SLICER mode; if they illuminate in sequence, it's working fine. If you go to LOOP SLICER and the illumination inverts, that confirms it's fine.

Pulse 0 votes
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Yes, the slicer mode and the loop slicer mode work fine. But before the software update, when hitting the PAD FX 1, the pads were lit in the chosen colours. Now, when hitting PAD FX 1 there not lit. They are just dark. When hitting one of the pads, it starts to lit. That's wrong in my opinion because in 4.05 it was not like this. Then they showed the right colours when entering the PAD FX mode. The same goes for the sampler mode. 

So in the FX and SAMPLER mode the led's in the pads do not switch on! And that is since the software update to 4.06. Perhaps a bug?


renediertens 0 votes
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@renediertens > On the PAD FX it should show the colour dim when not active, and bright when pressed. Have you assigned any MIDI controls in the MIDI LEARN section that might be overriding the OUTPUT signal?

Pulse 0 votes
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Bingo! I've set all the midi learn controls to DEFAULT. But all I created in the midi learn section, was to have a preview start/stop on pressing the rotation knob. I like to scroll trough my tracks and when I press the rotation knob, i can preview the track. But apparently there is a midi conflict or so, because I had this problem with the pad's.

Now it works fine but I would like to have a "preview start/stop" of the selected track when pressing the rotation knob.

In default, pressing the rotation knob does the same as pressing the BACK knob. That is a wast, having two knobs doing the same thing. Is there a legal way of adding this preview functionality to my controller? 

renediertens 0 votes
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It's ok now ! i reinstall the update of rekordbox 4.06 and it seems working well now.

Thank you for your help Pulse.


Bruno Martino 0 votes
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Problem now! Every time I start rekordbox the window of there is an update available open automatically ! It's like if rekordbox or my MacBook doesn't remember that I already upgrade . 

Bruno Martino 0 votes
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Did it actually update? What does it say when you go to rekordbox > About rekordbox ?

Pulse 0 votes
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To com problema na ddj1000 rekodbox, USB A , Não reconhece no netbook , a pota  B USB reconhece ,não consigo atualizar devido esse problema o que faço para atualizar ?

djvalko 0 votes
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Bom-dia !  Amigo estou com problema na ddj1000 após uma falha na atualização, a porta A usb não está reconhecendo, como posso fazer um reset   

djvalko 0 votes
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