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Midi mapping padFX for page 2

not sure if there is something wrong or I'm not seeing the right setting


If i want to map PADFX 1 and 2 isn't that for page 1 and 2 for that side?

If i add PADFX it lets me select the deck so I would think PADFX1, DECK 1 is for page 1 and PADFX2 DECK 1 is for page 2

i am trying to map 2 buttons from my controller to PAD 4 and PAD 8 but I can't seem to do this without have to mouse over and actually press page 2 to use pad 8 and page 1 to use pad 4


so whats the difference then between these 2, they both do the same thing right now


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PADFX1 has 8 pads, PADFX2 is the second set of PADFX, so it also has 8 pads. Each deck has PADFX1 and PADFX2. On any of the controllers, pressing the PAD FX button will change between FX1 and FX2, so all 8 buttons change.

Pulse 0 votes
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sorry the pic above was messed up, i crossed out the wrong arrow and made the correct one


on deck 1 only

PADFX1 PAD 8 should trigger deck 1 fx, page 1 pad 8

PADFX2 PAD 8 should trigger deck 1, page 2 pad 8


if so, then its not working correctly

BriChi 0 votes
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It only works if you are in PAD FX2 MODE, because really, it's just PAD 8 and you can't trigger the HOT CUE PAD 8 while in PAD FX mode either. ;)

Pulse 0 votes
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at the bottom, once mapped to 2 different buttons on my controller, they both do the same exact thing, they trigger pad 8 ONLY on the page you manually select with your mouse, I have to manually click on page 2 and then they both trigger pad 8 and then manually click on page 1 and now they both trigger pad 8 on that page, the PADFX2 is not triggering page 2 automatically 


BriChi 1 vote
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so then why have a midi mapping for PADFX2 being it does exactly the same as PADFX1

BriChi 0 votes
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you can't trigger the HOT CUE PAD 8 while in PAD FX mode either. ;)


Yes you can trigger hot cues when midi mapped if you are not in that window so maybe this is a bug

I have the FX window up and on my midi controller i can still trigger my 8 hot cues

BriChi 0 votes
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You need to switch the pad mode to PADFX2MODE first, then PADFX2 PAD8 will react. You could also press the button assigned to HOT CUE 8 and it would also trigger that PADFX2 PAD8 effect, not the HC8.

Pulse 0 votes
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you're wrong pulse, sorry man, if i am in ANY window, hot cue 8 always triggers hot cue 8, 

and again, why even have a midi mapping option for PADFX2 if PADFX1 does the same exact thing, they BOTH trigger the 8th pad in FX 1 OR 2 once you select it manually in Rekordbox dj

BriChi 1 vote
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You don't understand...

PAD8 will ALWAYS trigger PAD8 no matter the effect. If you are in FX1 mode, PAD8 will trigger FX1 PAD8. If you are in SAMPLER, PAD8 will be the sampler's 8th bank.

Pulse 0 votes
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no it won't if you have a midi controller with 80 buttons and you want to map any button to what you want


I can map button 1 on my midi controller to HOT CUE PAD 1

I can map button 2 to SAMPLER button 1

I can map button 3 to FX pad 7 on page 1 of the FX area


I don't need to be in those pages for it to work, no matter where i am in Rekordbox , If i hit button 3 on my midi controller it triggers PAD 7 that i mapped for the FX EVEN IF i have the SLICER window open and not the FX window. the mapping from a midi controller that you can manually map sticks to the effect you map, it doesn't matter the page BUT there is no way to map pad 8 on page 2 which is really pad 16 hypothetically 

I will record a video so you can see what i am talking about

BriChi 0 votes
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When I was mapping my F1, it was not triggering the sampler when I was on the FX page...

Pulse 0 votes
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well then you need a new midi controller, lol

I have samples mapped and I don't even need the sample window open to trigger them

BriChi 0 votes
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Sorry, not the sampler, the other pad layers - the sampler is the one thing that acts independent of the pads.

Pulse 0 votes
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even so, I can be in the slicer window and still trigger hot cue 8 as you can see in the video, the focus does not have to be on the window

BriChi 0 votes
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You don't have HC8 assigned... you have the 8th sampler bank playing...?

Pulse 0 votes
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hot cue 8 on deck 1. My hot cues are all individually assigned to the midi mapping of HOT CUE 1, 2, 3, etc....... I only did 8 quick to the sampler to show u u can map them and trigger them, really my HOT CUE 8 on deck 2 always triggers hot cue 8 know matter where i am

 i can be anywhere and trigger them its only when I'm in slicer that some things don't work but another example is I can be in the FX window and still trigger 8 beat jumps that are mapped from the beat jump area

BriChi 0 votes
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they set it so you can individually map a function in Rekordbox to a specific button on your controller , i can map hot cue 1-8 to any 8 pads on TouchOSC and trigger them wherever i am in Rekordbox along with mixer controls, FX, samplers, beat jumps, etc.... that doesn't mean if I go to SLICER that same button I mapped to hot cue 1 is now going to trigger slicer pad 1, thats not how this is setup, the hot cue 1 button is ALWAYS going to trigger hot cue 1 no matter what FX, SLICE, beat jump window i am in, the pad 1 to pad 1 thing is irrelevant, its pad 1 to what effect, cue, etc.... you tell it to trigger

BriChi 0 votes
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I tried doing this the other day but had to have the specific layer selected for the PAD MODE, could have been something I was doing ... anyhow... the two PAD8's for FX1 and FX2 should do separate effects. Are you saying they're doing the same effect?

Pulse 0 votes
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correct, right now the two PAD8's for FX1 and FX2 are each triggering the same pad so having both mapped is useless right now 

BriChi 2 votes
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Hey guys,I really would apreciate a resolution to this problem. I am trying the same thing with maschine mk2 and I have the completely same problem.Would really appreciate your help!

Runfaster94 0 votes
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+1. I am using maschine micro and I have the same problem. The map for pad fx1 acts completely the same as padfx 2. Pulse,you mentioned it worked fine with F1,how did you do that? Please I need a workaround!

Ivaylo Valchev 0 votes
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Its the same with the akai lpd8. I would really love to be able to use all the fx at once. The midi mapings work the same way,so its pointless to have different functions. So,how can we fix this? THANK YOU!!!  Ups to BriChi!

rokamts 0 votes
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Fixes don't always come quickly - the engineers are aware of this and many more MIDI updates are coming. Thanks for your patience.

Pulse 1 vote
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+1 completely.  The midi-mapping should work similar to ableton/serato dj where whatever the button you press, it should fire off the command it's mapped to, regardless of the padmode you are in.   Seeing that they've already implemented it in such a way where PadFX1 Pad8 and PadFX2 Pad8 only work when you are in the correct Pad mode means some major/reworking/testing without breaking stuff.  Hopefully the engineers agree that this is something that makes sense to do.

djphasim 0 votes
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Thank you,we are waiting for a fix with the next update and we really appreciate that you answer to our questions :)

Runfaster94 0 votes
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So...? What is going on with the solution?

Runfaster94 0 votes
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Any updates? This inability mixed with the fact that the top 4 fx pads MUST be the same effect makes mapping the fx i want very difficult.  Is this a glitch or is this actually intended?

JarJarBeats PartyForBreakfast 0 votes
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