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Can I delete from collection AND hard drive with one command?

Hi guys,
New to Rekordbox, coming over from Serato SDJ/SSL! Just wondering how/is it possible to delete tracks from my collection AND my hard drive? In Serato I use Ctrl, Shift & Del to completely wipe the track from both the collection and hard drive, but can't seem to find an option for that in Rekordbox?

Alex Taylor

Commentaire officiel


Sorry, no update, still waiting for it to be included in a future release.

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@Alex > I know what you mean, but the engineers never felt the DJ would want to do that intentionally, so it was left out. We have mentioned it to them and hope to see it included in a future update. Thanks for your comments!

Pulse 1 vote
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Thanks for quick reply. No doubt the engineers have little first hand experience in managing large music libraries, seems a pretty rudimentary feature to miss out and a deal breaker for me. I add, audition & delete large amounts of music as well as periodically purging older music no longer required, having to manually go back via the OS file system to delete the tracks I've removed from the collection is not an option. Obviously deleting from hard drive as well as collection would be protected by an additional key combo and perhaps a prompt to confirm to stop accidental deletes.

Anyways, I'll keep checking back but for now I'm gonna stick to Serato.

Alex Taylor 0 votes
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Hey guys, any updates on this feature request?

Alex Taylor 0 votes
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I do right click, "Show in Finder" and delete the file from disc. Every now and then I cleanup the Collection with "Find Missing Files" -> delete all not found. Is not really a solution to your answer, but the best way to delete from disc immediately. The Collection cleans up easily as above.

ceepee-in-the-mix 0 votes
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Thanks for the tip! Not a bad workaround tbf, although deleting multiple files at the same time is still not really doable..

Alex Taylor 0 votes
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Please keep at the devs to get this included in a future version Pulse! Cheers :)

Alex Taylor 0 votes
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They're aware of the request but I don't have any information on when it will be included, sorry.

Pulse 0 votes
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Thanks for the info Pulse, look forward to one day using Rekordbox!

Alex Taylor 0 votes
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I have the same problem and found a workaround. I also use Traktor, which has that function. You can select all the tracks from Rekordbox, drag them into an empty playlist in Traktor and delete them from drive there.


Hope it helps!

tadoh 0 votes
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Hey Pulse, just checking in, hows this feature request looking? Still no info on when it'll make it into the program?

Alex Taylor 0 votes
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Likely a major version update; no timeline, sorry.

Pulse 0 votes
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+1 to this request. All competing software has this ability. When parsing some tracks to purge from RB I sometimes will forget to delete from disk later on, leaving unwanted files on my hard drive. It's a simple thing really and I'm still not sure why it would be left out when literally every other piece of music management software does it. Typically it's a hotkey + select action to prevent accidental deletion. 

djlowtek 0 votes
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It honestly baffles me why the obvious feature isn’t there every time I use the software!

Alex Taylor 0 votes
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I know - drive me nuts too. I create a playlist that I import to Serato simply to delete the files directly. lol

It's on the list.

Pulse 1 vote
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Exactly! I now 1 star anything I want to delete permanently then have a smart playlist set up that shows me all the 1 stars and then periodically drag the entire playlist into an empty serato playlist to hard delete!

Alex Taylor 0 votes
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Advertised as music management software. Is this on the list for 6 years? This will be the killer function at 10, maybe...

For safety you can give the option to make this only available during export mode.

Thomas 0 votes
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For the ones looking for a solution to delete multiple tracks without having to waste too much time, i found out about this simple method that I'm using right now. https://youtu.be/2TMRMv6BHvw (it works when u have your music stored in the same folder).

Mitch de Klein 0 votes
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@Mitch > It's a good work-around; mine was to drag them into Serato DJ and then use SHIFT+DELETE as it does it directly. ;)

Pulse 0 votes
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Thanks for workarounds .. but why still isn't there a third option in the context menu "remove from collection and harddisk" .. this could make things an DJ Lifes easier, or not ;-? Greets to the rekordbox stuff from Hamburg

mateo03 0 votes
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Here you have a simple bash script you can run in the mac terminal that will do half the trick. Simply make a playlist of the files you want to delete from the collection before deleting them, then give feed the playlist to the script like so:

delete_files.sh files_to_be_gone.m3u8



while IFS=$'\r' read a;do

    [[ ! "$a" =~ ^"#" ]] && rm -v "$a";

done < "$1"


gowk 0 votes
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to be more clear.

1. make playlist

2. delete from collection

3. run script with the the playlist created.


gowk 0 votes
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Still no news about this? 

Hey guys, even after the Dropbox sync there is no way to remove from collection and delete it from disk as well in one option?
This can be activated on settings, if the problem is to avoid accidents. 

Please, make it happen! 

Ronaldo Gasparian 0 votes
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