Commentaire officiel

Hi Yourdj1on,
Sorry to hear about these issues. Could I please direct you to file a support inquiry here?
Our rekordbox team will be happy to assist you.
I have been a DJ for the past 10 years. I went from Serato live to Serato DJ and I have never had any issue with the software with Macbook Pro Duo Core 2 processor (Mid 2010) with 4gb ram. I decided to try out Rekordbox DJ just over a month ago and have been quite disappointment with it. I couldn't play a full set without it freezing up and crashing. I finally decided maybe I should invest more money in purchasing a new laptop since I have already pre-ordered the ddj-rzx. I also went out and purchased the Macbook pro ( mid 2012) i7 processor, upgraded ram to 16gb which I thought would work perfectly with the software. I received my ddj-rzx now and I have no confidence with the rekordbox dj. So far every time I go to my venue to play I get about 3 to 5 crashes per night, in most cases while people are dancing. It is so embarrassing when the crowd looks at me asking me what happened. I have no choice but to go on the mic to apologize over and over again. I have used all the recommended settings found in this forum, including the FAQ section of this site, waveform set to low, latency set to high. I have tried everything and I finally given up on this piece of crap software. How could you guys release such a crappy software that is unbearable to use. I have had absolutely no issue with serato dj even with a low spec laptop. I would love to switch to a stable software like serato dj, but I have no choice due to the fact that ddj-rzx only supports rekordbox dj.
Why did you guess release a software that is not ready for prime time, and then sell a buggy software? I have multiple events coming up, including some private shows and I am afraid to use it because my name is on the line. It will be such a big embarrassment if or should I say when this crashes on me... again.
I will be posting a video review on youtube, hopefully people can avoid rekordbox dj until they fix all the bugs.
Hi Yourdj1on,
Sorry to hear about these issues. Could I please direct you to file a support inquiry here?
Our rekordbox team will be happy to assist you.
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I Use RB with the DDJ-RZX since 2 Weeks on a Windows PC and have no Problems with freezes or Crashes. Are you sure that your old Macbook has enough CPU Power?
An old Core i7 CPU is not that good.
I disagree with the above post. My laptop worked perfectly without any issue with Serato DJ. Duo core i7 processor with 16gb ram with nothing else running should be able handle it with no problem. Software is seriously buggy.
I have already filed a support inquiry, I was informed your dev team are off until next week. I really feel the problem is with the software not anything else.
I think, I have the same Problems like you. I work with DDJ-RX since last December and have often some freezes... as Resident DJ I have some Backup Solutions, if the Problems comes.
For me, no really succes with Support, but they give a lot of effort. Try it.
My Problem: Playing a Track, the CPU goes suddenly up to 130% and from this Point you can't do anything with the Software. The track goes on, but no Chance to load another track. In my experience, the problem occurs when I play tracks with different loudness. When I handle the volume very carefully, not with too much gain, it works fine.
It would be interesting, when you can discribe your Problem or do a Video.
I have an opinion on this matter. Please take into consideration that it is just my personal opinion and nothing more. In that last few years it appears to me that Pioneer has become more concerned with gimmicks and less concerned with building Software and Hardware that is capable of withstanding the test of time. I use the Technics 1200-1210 models as the basis for my opinion. These player were the club standard 32+ years and required little if any refinement at all. Please don't get me wrong, I know Pioneer is in the business of building gear that DJ's are demanding and that is what they should be concerned with. They shouldn't be concerned with trying to turn every man, woman and child with a couple $1000 dollars into overnight DJ success stories or should they be catering to the gear needs of those individuals. Please just focus on one piece of gear, prefect it and then move- on that's all I'm saying! By the way if Pioneer is looking for a technical advisor or someone to help in R&D I would be more than happy to forward my resume. I'm sure you'll find that I'm more than qualified for either of these positions. If Pioneer continues in the same manner that they've been over the last few years they're going to end up a lot like some of the other companies that have taken the same route; companies like Numark, Stanton, Vestex, etc.
Best Regards,
Grant Carlisle
In my opinion we have two different type of markets one is the gear for professional DJ's and Clubs other is the consumer DJ's, pioneer needs both of these markets to grow and generate profits to continue investing in R&D, is not possible to survive just selling small quantities of gears to just a niche of Market.
Another point is that a lot of companies is also pushing the consumer Markets more and more with growing revenues so there is no way for Pioneer to not also enter in this markets.
I am IT professional in the last 29 years I am very specialized in SW and I can say that all piece of SW has problems and limitations and with the complexity we have today each computer of each individual person is a different story because it has your own configuration your own SW installed and the problem that happen in one computer will not happen in other even if it is the same model has the same memory and so on, sometimes you do a change thinking that this will improve the performance and solve the problem and it become worst.
I am using at this moment a DDJ-SX2 with Rekordbox and it is working fine but with limitations of course, there is no perfect SW as I said but my experience is that Rekordbox is more stable than Serato was for me, I used Serato for 2 years but sometimes I had some issues than I decided to move to Rekordbox and I am ok with that so far.
Anyway I am still in doubt if I will invest in a new Controller and contiue using SW for DJ or if I will buy a complete standalone setup, both sides has advantages and disadvantages in one side the standalone setup is more professional, from other side it is not so flexible as a SW setup.
Finally as I said in a Serato SW each person has your personal preferences and what works for one wont work for the other person for this is what keep the things going because the companies will try to always find solutions that fits to each individual.
PS: By the way I really appreciate if the colleagues that own a DDJ-RZX provide to us your impressions about this new gear
Thats why in the Future the Controller may have Build in CPU, Ram and HDD.
This can be really an option and basically is what we have in CDJ2000, XDJ1000 for instance they are basically a computer packed in a CDJ/XDJ unit.
That's why the professional part of the industry needs to move away from laptops and concentrate on hardware with embedded computers to handle the software side for better stability as well as a precautionary measure to prevent tablets, laptops, or phones from phasing out actual DJ hardware.
I'm waiting for the day that either Serato partners with hardware manufacturer and builds a standalone DVS tunrtable that also plays regular vinyl or for Pioneer to finally release a turntable version of the CDJ/XDJ that also doubles as a regular turntable for vinyl. I have loads of ideas for such a product that keeps accessories and control vinyl's in the loop.
What needs to happen is for Pioneer to realise that they need to embed pioneer dj direct into all their dj controllers. No messing about with laptops. They have done it with one of them.
Because the Environment is not ready for this.
U need much more Space u get Heat Problems the Controller gets very expensive. It gets nearly impossible to take your own Controller to the Gig.
U could bring devices with your Music and maybe put a Virus on the Controller.
So much Questions that are not answerded yet.
I bought a DDJ RX a few weeks back, and i play for hours with no issues at all with Rekordbox DJ.
Hopefully you can get to the bottom of this, and sort it out :)
Why not? The XDJ/CDJ prove it can already be done. The computer on the inside doesn't need to be something cutting edge if it's only being used for DJing. Although VDJ is probably a different situation.
Of course you'll always need a PC for library management.
Sergio. Please don't get take this the wrong way. Please name me one company that has succeeded in making products for multiple types of people/customers. I mean honestly can you imagine what would happen to Ferrari if they tried building a $30,000 dollar 4 door economy car? That is exactly what Pioneer has been doing these last couple years. Pioneer, needs to make sure all there gear is 100% club ready or simply not even waste their time..
I get the deal about the interagation with Dj controller and computer processing. I like rekordbox Dj concept and library management, I still feel they need to fix the issues like bugs and crashes.
I do not like the excuses given for pioneer by stating just because it works for you and it doesn't work for me doesn't mean my system sucks or I am doing something wrong. The software should work with any computer system providing it meets the minimum requirement and not crash. It is like installing Microsoft word and stating it doesn't work because I did not spend $2000 to buy the best laptop.
RB DJ is not even a year on the Market, they are improving and adding new functions in certain periods. Think how Buggy other DVS where at the Start and how much CPU Power the needed.
Hello Grant,
This discussion here are really very good and I am really appreciate that because we are discussing a very important topic.
You are completelly right, Pioneer have to make a decision how to approach both Markets but in all cases they should assure that all gears is working 100% without problems doesn't matter if they cost US$ 800 or US$ 20000.
....j'ai une licence traktor, serato, mais j'adore rekordbox
c'est vrai que c'est difficile aprés 10 mois de demander la mème stabilité qu'un traktor,
néanmoins, ils ont tord de vouloir intégrer trop vite le DVS et VIDEO
....back to 4.1.2, it's fine
rekordbox 70% CPU
traktor 60% CPU
serato 20% CPU
Above post is correct. Rekordbox suck too much cpu, they need to cap it down.
I really like having a big screen to DJ with .. so please Pioneer - dont do away with the screen of the laptop .. please
70%, really?
For the guys getting stable performance from rekordbox DJ, are you guys running on i7 quad cores?
leleu-menassier eric is that Serato percentage with Pitch-N-Time on?
Blake Ronan, you can use your laptop as you would a USB drive with CDJ/XDJ.
macbookpro 2014 i5 8go
downgrade to rekordbox 4.1.2; and now it's OK for me
My thoughts about the Future werent not complete wrong.
Qbert announces the Invader. a 2 Channel Mixer with Build in Windows PC and a big Touch Screen, so u can run any DVS on the Mixer.
Future is here, lets see what Pionner will make in the near Future to stay at the Top.
Yes this is the future and it is already here, soon or later this will be the way all companies will go have a built-in computer.
Of course I think both scenarios are possible because the companies will offer also the normal controllers like we have today and controllers with a built-in computers and this is because each person have your own preferences and both cases should be supported by the companies in order to keep their markets and create new ones.