here's a glass half full answer to your question (dated but still optimistic c. Sep 2020):
...and here's a glass half empty answer to your question (less dated, from Mar 2022): https://www.elektronauts.com/t/pioneer-toraiz-sp-16/18482/1365
both answers are not actual answers - strictly speaking - but they are the best available 'assessments' i've found online of the Toraiz era. more importantly, both are probably the most honest, truthful and sincere attempt at framing an actual answer - while also being constrained by an NDA - we are ever going to read. both were written by a legit OG TORAIZ user and legendary official pioneerdj forum TORAIZ moderator (emeritus?), the one like the RhythmDroid [/ tasteful airhorn sounds].
(post-script: there's a third quasi-answer, which is more of a 'glass of conjecture filled to the brim with either nothing or something or both', which is a recent IG post by RhythmDroid showing current setup.... "where there was once a SQUID, a HAPAX now sits" (to quote myself being weirdly dramatic).