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Midi double tap issues with AKAI MPD232

Hi there,
I have a AKAI MPD 232 and a double tap Midi issue with Rekordbox.
I have mapped all the Track separation options and MFX succesfully to the MPD232 and they are working:
But there are 2 annoying issues:
1. I need to press the Pads often twice, but sometimes only one time to activate or deactivate the function, which is highly annoying as it is not reliable. I tried to change the sensitivity of the pads, but it has no effect.
2. I set the Pads as to Toggle mode and lights on/off, but the MPD don´t get feedback from Rekordbox about if the function is off or on and therefore the lights from the pads dont provide reliable feedback.
Has anyone seen this double tap issue with other controllers and was able to fix it?

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1 commentaire


Unfortunately, rekordbox is designed to be used with Pioneer DJ products.

We don't guarantee if MIDI assign works normally with third party made controller.

Gabriel 0 votes
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