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Transferring Rekordbox analyzed files to SSD harddrive...

I just got an Opus Quad and excited.  Analyzing all my tracks is a daunting task.   So I had to unplug the Opus and carry it into the other room to do the hardware unlock by plugging into my desktop in the other room. (whole idea is to be rid of a laptop for this).   Do I have to do this every time (disconnect everything and carry it to the desktop) I want to add new songs to that SSD drive to get the hardware 'unlocked status' and have new songs analyzed and transferred to my external hard drive?

Colin Moses

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The hardware unlock only works while the OPUS is connected to the computer. 

Gabriel 0 votes
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for what you are trying to do you only need to be in "export" mode on the top left, it sounds like you ae in performance mode which is not where you want to be to analyze and export files to a flash drive or SSD. 

BriChi 0 votes
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