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DDJ FLX10 Track Separation Audio Issue

Hi I was wondering whether anyone has a fix for this issue.

Issue: During 2 hours into a live show I would use the Track Separation (TS) feature on the right side of my decks. So I would click the Vocal TS button and then I would experience sound crackling and audio glitches. If I unselect the TS then the audio goes back to normal.

If I restart my RBox then it will play normal and 1/2 hours after it will happen again. It is very frustrating and need guidance on how to resolve this please.

Just to note: messing around with the buffer does not help. I also run the latest firmware. The TS feature when applied is the only time it happens whether it is through headphones, or played through PA system or via the laptop speakers and it only happens on the right side of the decks with or without the DDJ controller. So it seems to be a software issue rather than a hardware issue. Also I have a beast of a MAC with a 32GB ram and 10 core processor on MAC OS VENTURA.


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I am having the same problem. After playing with rekordbox for 30-45 minutes with track separation of one of the decks starts misbehaving. When choosing one or more stems the playback of the track is heavly distorted and not playable. Not using the stems the track sounds normal. when loading a new track the behaviour of that deck stays the same. The other deck and stems works fine. The only way to repair is restarting rekordbox. Which offcourse is not something you want to do when performing for public.

André Pascal 0 votes
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tengo el mismo problema y necesito ayuda ,uso las 3 plataformas de mezcla serato ,virtual Dj y rekordbox y con las 3 me sigue haciendo los sonidos molestos abecés demora horas otras veces lo hace seguido ya no se que hacer , es como un crujido molesto o un sonido de tierra leve pero molesto no quiero que pase eso en medio de un evento

Daniel Sanchez 0 votes
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I have the same problem and I need help, I use the 3 Serato mixing platforms, virtual DJ and rekordbox and with all 3 it keeps making the annoying sounds ABC takes hours other times it does it often I don't know what to do anymore, it's like an annoying creak or a slight but annoying ground sound, I don't want that to happen in the middle of an event
Daniel Sanchez 0 votes
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Tengo el mismo problema y necesito ayuda, 
uso las 3 plataformas de mezcla Serato, virtual
DJ y rekordbox y con las 3 sigue haciendo
los sonidos molestos ABC tarda horas otras veces
lo hace seguido ya no sé que hacer ,
es como un chirrido molesto o un
sonido de tierra leve pero molesto, no quiero que eso pase en medio
de un evento
Daniel Sanchez 0 votes
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Is there a solution to this issue yet? I'm having the same problem.  Thank you.


Shane Halloran 0 votes
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At the moment there hasn't any fixes. I can 100% confirm that changing the buffer limit does not really help and it is a software issue and not a hardware issue.

C4 VIBEZ 0 votes
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I have reported this bug and discussed it with support. I send them movies of the problem, and it is now accepted by support and under investigation like 4 weeks ago. Not heard back from them jet. Hopefully they can reproduce the problem so they can start working on a solution. And I can confirm it is a software problem, because I can reproduce the problem on different laptops and different controllers.

André Pascal 0 votes
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I have had this problem ever since I purchased the software. I've been asked to run latency monitoring and send results to Recordbox. No solution. I upgraded my laptop to 32gb, which is i7 as well. That didn't work. So I bought a new Lenovo 40gb, 4tb ssd, 15th Gen, 12 core, i7, and still the same issues, Track separation disturbs audio, & sounds like a skipping record. I do hope Recordbox will refund my money, since the product is defective

Shane Halloran 0 votes
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From this post I learned that the problem is coming from TS and make sense.

When I think about it, this issue occurs only when I have used track separation feature. Works fine at the start, but about hour and a half or two into my session the sound is terrible, everyone in the club are wondering what is happening and I stop everything. Then restart everything and start again.

Very embarrassing and frustrating.

Ivo Dimitrov 0 votes
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I have same issue with a purchase a new Flex 10 in 2025 with serato dj pro on my Mac machine
No audio when you press the audio separation, audio disappear when I use effect with the audio separation, and randomly the audio stop but the track I'm srrato continue spinning

Francese82 0 votes
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