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hardware unloc / record mix function

i have a quick question about rekordbox 6 that i cant find on the forums
with hardware unlock... i have a DDJ XP1 and a DJM 750MK2
will the hardware unlock let me use record mix function ? or is that a paid subscription unlock ?

kevin c

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2 commentaires


What are you trying to record? Tracks on your drive or streaming service?

If it's streaming tracks this isn't related to a subscription plan but an agreement with the music companies and streaming providers. 

To use the recording feature the hardware unlock devices need to be connected 

Ves 0 votes
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You can record while the DJM-750MK2 is connected. 

If it is not working, then please file an inquiry ticket here and our support team will gather some additional information to assist you in resolving this issue.

Gabriel 0 votes
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