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mac os sonoma

when will recordbox support mac os sonoma and ddj flx 4? I bought flx 4 and updated to sonoma now I can just look at my dj kontroller, it's almost a month now, sonoma didnt bring much of updates, i would expect pioneer to solve this fast.

Ondrej Malik

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How do you know you the Sonoma update didn't bring many updates on a coding level? Are you helping them?

Do realise that Pioneer DJ does not only need to update Rekordbox but also ALL the hardware that is compatible with Rekordbox and other DJ software that are officially supported. What might work on 2 device might not work on the other 20+.

Pioneer DJ isn't Google or Apple who have 10.000 engineers working on software. Yet they have a team that is dedicated in bringing out compatibility to all software as quickly as possible. 

Any frustrations you might have are you own, as Pioneer DJ has given clear information they are working on it. 


Ves -2 votes
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Look, Apple releases beta copies of their new OS well before they release it.  Pioneer does not need to wait until the release date of the OS to begin their evaluation and testing.  Also note it is now November, and we have no update from Pioneer.  Apple has already released the first minor version bump (14.1) and Pioneer still hasn't come out with more information on 14.0.  A week, sure, a month maybe, but come on, this is ridiculous.  If Pioneer want to make their Rekordbox open source I will gladly help them.

Dave Lerner 0 votes
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