It's completely insane. I almost didn't buy the RX3 because of this. It drives me absolutely nuts not having the artist name in the browser. Two years since release and still no update.
Hi there,
I know you aware of this because complaints are all over the place. Why did Pioneer ommited a 3 column browse function like cdj3000 on the RX3? They share the same (bigger) display so screen estate is not an issue.
i know you are aware of this, i know you know this is a crucial browse function for dj's and it doesn't cost anything to add...
So why leave that out???? why @pioneer ?
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It's completely insane. I almost didn't buy the RX3 because of this. It drives me absolutely nuts not having the artist name in the browser. Two years since release and still no update.
Totally agree. Also the Opus Quad has this option, so it is possible on a standalone with a 10" screen.
Come on Pioneer, be a darling and give the RX3 this option in a next firmware update.
you can add another column like artist and so on, add it in RB with the flash drive plugged in or in devices area if you are linked via export mode
Most RX3 users are aware of the one extra column, but ideally we would like: track, artist, bpm and maybe key, just like on the Opus Quad or CDJ3000:
and using the info button is not a great alternative either
ohhhhh forget it, i forgot it does not have the key/bpm, sorry, haven't used it in a while since i got rid of it
I agree 100%; the limited column-options on RX are annoying. But the strangest thing is that Pioneer seems to avoid answering questions about why it is like this. After 20+ years, my love-affair with Pioneer is coming to an end because of this.
Absolutely RIDICULOUS... Bought my RX3 brand new, the only annoying thing is this 2 rows max in the browser... (other than this, the unit is superb).. During mixing, the screen annoyingly big. The size is OK, I started to get used to it, I can live with that, but come on guys... To totally avoid to fix this (ADD A THIRD ROW) issue is a shame really, I understand that this is an industry and you want to make money, so maybe in the next gen units, but please. We spend a fortune to get an RX3, now please upgrade the firmware, to have 3 rows.... If you can sort this out, we can all say, that the support and the hardware is both MINT...
Maybe the Pioneer team excluded the third raw, so we will all start to save up for a next gen unit... WHAT A SHAME
I heard software changes are not something that can be changed via firmware. Pioneer doesn't have the ability to add new features to already released products. To be fair, I believe Denon was the first to be able to do it just a hand full of years ago.