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How do I efficiently find and remove many tracks that appear in two different playlists so that they only appear in one of them?

For years I’ve had two categories of nu-disco playlists. One is for all of my nu-disco tracks and the other is only for those nu-disco tracks that are edits of reasonably well known to very well known original tracks.

Up until now if a track is going into the latter playlist category I will also put it in the former category, but I’ve just decided I only want those tracks appearing in the latter category as the other one is getting stupidly large.

Can anyone tell me of a way that I can do this without an extremely painful and time-consuming manual method. I’m running V5.8.7

Al Black

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4 commentaires


Unfortunately, you can only do that manually. 

Gabriel 0 votes
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There is an easy work around to do this.

In the EDITS playlist, choose a not-used info field (f.e "message") and add to all a specific text (f.e. EDITS). 
Then go the "all of my nu-disco" playlist and show that field as a column with right mouse click on the top of the columns. Now you will see tracks with and without the message field filled with EDITS. By sorting on the message column you will have all the tracks that are in both playlists on top. Now you can easily remove them from this playlist.

Hope that helps.

Don Basco 0 votes
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Dom, you are a legend...thanks heaps mate! This is really going to help me out :)  And thanks for the quick reply Gabriel and now you'll be able to use this info for others.

Merry Christmas to you both!

Al Black 0 votes
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