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Using same address on different lights ?


I just saw in this video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCLpr41w76w  of a competing product, you can use same address for different hardware...

Goal is to have the same effect on all hardware/lights with same address.

Is there a way to do it in Recordbox ?


DJ Foul

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Hi there,

From what we understand from your inquiry, we can say that you cannot use the same address on multiple fixtures from the application's end. 
However, if you specify those fixtures in the same category after assigning a different address, multiple fixtures can be lit using one Macro setting.  
Only if fixture(1) and fixture (2) have the same specifications, they will work in the same way.
However, if the specs are different, the application's DMX values specified for Fixture (1) are sent to Fixture (2). In this way, Fixture (2) may not work as expected. 
If you would like to use different fixtures, you need to use a different address but in the same category, they may work. 
We assume you would like to use the three sets of the same fixtures as shown in the video, you can use them by assigning the same address on the three fixtures. 
Fixture 1&2:ch1-8
Fixture 3&4:ch9-23
Fixture 5&6:ch24-37

I hope this helps


Yves 0 votes
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