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XDJ-RX3 with Serato, Beat FX msec not matching

Hi everyone,

When I use my RX3 with Serato, everything works fine except the Beat FX milliseconds when changing tempo with the pitch fader. The BPM changes in the Beat FX panel, however it doesn't update the msec. This causes my Beat FX to sound out of time. The only workaround is to adjust the beat parameter up then down again for the msec to update.

I have exactly this problem from Mojaxx's video at 3:00, https://youtu.be/L0pcI4E_reo?si=V0cqeMl6L-g3OLii&t=180

I updated my Serato DJ Pro to the latest version (3.1.1) and my RX3 to the latest version (1.17), but I'm still getting this problem.

I am a hybrid user between standalone and Serato DJ Pro, and hopefully this can be fixed with an update.


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