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Why are you using the DDJ-RX ASIO driver when you have a DDJ-RX? Please select DDJ-RX (ASIO) as your device.
After updating my rekordbox to version 1.04 and my driver from DDJ RX to 1.100, i can't record my sets when the sound is coming through my external speakers. I connected my speakers with a dual RCA cable connect in the MASTER OUT 2 port. The sound is coming through my speakers, but when i click on record, it won't detect any sounds. Below you can find my installations. In the audio selection area, i can also select ASIO-> DDJ-1000 ASIO and DDJ_RX ASIO but then i get this screen.
Thanks in advance.
Why are you using the DDJ-RX ASIO driver when you have a DDJ-RX? Please select DDJ-RX (ASIO) as your device.
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when i select DDJ-RX(ASIO), it gives me the same message as above.
I have the same problem. Loudspeakers connected through XLR, all software and firmware up to date.
I used to record all the time, but now I cannot.
Please help
Now i can't even hear music threw my headphone, i just started rekordbox wanted to listen to some music ( it is still set on Headphone output->(DDJ-RX):PHONES) but i hear nothing. I uninstalled rekordbox and reinstalled but still it won't work.
@Jared > Your issue may not be the same; please create a new ticket and post your issue separately with details so we can properly assist you.
@Guillaume > Please follow the instructions in this article for troubleshooting.
I did all the steps but still nothing changed, everything is up to date. This problem came the moment when i updated the firmware and drives to version 1.04 and ver1.100
@Guillaume > This has nothing to do with firmware versions; can you please confirm in your testing that you have the audio device set to DDJ-RX (ASIO)?
This is the message i get when i select any of the ASIO options
I get this message when i select DJ-1000 ASIO, DJ_ASIO and DJ_WeGO4 asio. As you cane see below these are the only options that i can pick form:
I don't think it's a problem with the firmware versions but what i can say is the moment before i updated the driver and firmeware, everything worked fine but after updating it, i can't record threw my speakers and i hear nothing threw my headphones (who are connected to my DDJ_RX) . Today i found that when i push the MASTER CUE button, i hear the same music from my speakers. But i don't hear anything when the MASTER CUE button it OFF and my CUE for example on deck1 in ON . So it is not possible to listen to differend music then from my speakers. I also deleted rekordbox yesterday and installed the latest version but still nothing changed.
And what happens when you select it a SECOND time, after receiving the error?
if you mean selecting audio ASIO for a second time, then the answer is that nothing changed .....
Everytime i click on any of the ASIO option i get the message and when i click on OK, the audio will automatically go to "no audio device".
I solved the problem, i just deleted everything i could find of rekordbox and pioneer, after that i installed an old version from my other laptop updated it again and know everything works :)
New update and AGAIN same problem, please rekordbox fix this, a lot of people have this problem over and over again, it's really annoying and as a costumer I'm really dissipated in rekordbox. People have this problem since 2015, it is 2019? Again I searched for more than 3 hours' for a solution, but can't find one, do I constantly need to delete everything and reinstall it every time rekordbox does an update.
At this moment what I did was delete the DDJ_RX driver and downloaded the driver (from 2016) on this site but again no progress.
can somebody please help me and tell me what to do next!
I feel the issue is something in your operating system as multiple attempts to recreate the issue you're having on a couple of different computers here have been unsuccessful. I've had no issues with either Windows 8 or Windows 10 running the same drivers / firmware with rekordbox 5.6.0 to perform and/or record.
But what's the solution?
1 month later and still no solution. What a client support is this really !?!? This really makes me mad, this is unprofessional for a company like Pioneer. This give me the impression that thee really don’t care about there clients after they bought the product.
Try it with another computer -- if it works, the problem is within your OS.
We do care about our customers, but honestly, there are about a million possible problems within the computer or OS, and we can't diagnose them all ... sometimes it's best to reinstall and start from a fresh slate.
I tried it on a computer of a friend and there it works. I then delete everything of rekordbox through Apps and also the files in my program file. After that i reinstalled rekordbox but it ( i didn't ask my activation code, but I think I deleted everything of it). Still, I get the same message, then 1 year ago.
I was/still am pissed because I have this problem for more than a year. Last year I found a solution, but after the new update, it didn't work again. Until this day I need to ask my friends to record on their computer with Serato. Now more than a month later the only solution I get is to delete it and reinstall it. I think you cane definitely understand that this makes me unhappy and really frustrated. The computer I use is a HP Omen
The ASIO issue has nothing do do with rekordbox; it's the drivers installed in your computer. Have you tried manually uninstalling the DDJ-RX drivers?
I uninstalled the driver many times threw system< apps and features and also in Device manager. After i restarted my computer, and opened rekordbox, the problem wasn't fixed and i kept getting the same message.
Have you tried updating your computer's BIOS / firmware? It could be the hardware itself is causing the conflict.
My BIOS is up to date, I have let my computer search fore more updates and he couldn't find one.
Can you please give me further directions, where almost 2 months later and still no solution....
Can you please answer?!
This is exactly what I mean we're more than 2 weeks later and nobody is replying why would I even think fore one bit that Pioneer care about his clients if you get this situation over and over again??
This is really unprofessional!
I'm sorry, due to a recent change in our staffing, I'm currently the only one here answering the hundreds of new posts every day. I appreciate your patience
I've created a video for you to walk through the steps of manually uninstalling the devices associated with the DDJ-RX - please have the USB cable connected until the first reboot, then disconnect it and follow the remainder of the steps until instructed to connect it again.
i followed your video but i still get the message "error while opening".
It worked for a 1 moment. I also deleted Rekordbox and after following the video it worked BUT after 2 days I had the same problem and had to do everything over again....
Please don't tell me that I have to follow the video every time I start up my computer.