They could add a algo in software to have it increment by larger amounts when the knob is turned quickly. Waldorf synths had this.
The encoders are too slow. Just turning from value 0 to 127 takes10 turns !! Impossible to use it live for quick changes.
Please make the encoders faster in next update. Hope it will come soon since it really makes a diference when playing live.
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They could add a algo in software to have it increment by larger amounts when the knob is turned quickly. Waldorf synths had this.
Yes I was thinking of something like this
Agreed. a SHIFT + Encoder combo should change values faster.
Better avoid SHIFT button since you need your 2 hands for this manipulation, one for pressing shift button and the other hand for turning the encoder, then you cannot select the step you want to edit. I think incrementing the encoder according to the rotation speed is a better solution. imho.
Agreed but some kind of shift/latch mode or the ability to set the encoder sensitivity in the global settings would maybe work as well. I think the "click" is going to make the rotation speed method problematic but maybe?
just came across this for the first time... definitely needs to be addressed. Those cc encoders have very limited functionality as is. Always fun being the guinea pig!