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Beatport LINK vs. Tidal Dj Streaming - Comparing quality

I have talked to the Beatport-team and the quality of the music is under all acceptable levelse. 

Look at there own link about it:

Its AAC 128kbps and maximum up to 256 kbps quality. That is not good quality. What is your tought about it?

Will Tidal have higher, with there Master-quality or is streaming that bad quality for them too?


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I found it for Tidal:

HIFI users have the option to choose between lossless FLAC streams and high-quality AAC streams. Premium users have access to high-quality AAC streams only.

(At this link: https://serato.com/latest/blog/20440/streaming-with-tidal-and-soundcloud-in-serato-dj)

I mean that good quality on Tidal. Will you accept the low quality from Beatport?? I will not even think about it at that low quality.

Let us have a good discussion about it.

Nightlife 0 votes
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I guess Beatport Link is in beta. I also noticed that Beatport Link Pro shows "Advanced audio quality" so maybe that is better ?

FreshTechno 0 votes
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Yea absolutely a thought.

AAC 256kbps should be better than 320 MP3:s, as I understand it. But its still not lossless and thats a problem for future-safe mixes is what I think. And for fully enjoying the songs on HIFI-equipment.

To be able to stream like this is a smart solution that will ease many things, but not to have lossless songs is a weakness.

Nightlife 0 votes
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