hi jonny, be aware that when used in SLAVE mode, that there midi timing has issues, no matter what os is used
no mention from pioneer about this whatsoever
Hi There,
I saw a post from Fernando S who was having problems with MIDI sync after updating to 1.6... I didn't want to bomb his thread though (I totally feel for him with the issue, but don't want to start a new discusion on his therad), so thought I'd just ask the question here...
I'm still sitting on 1.3 (relatively new purchase) and everything is running fine synced to various pieces of equipment. I'm a little reluctant to update though if there are sync/stability issues as I need to use this in sync with various other boxes...
I don't care about features that may be missing etc. I just want to know if "most people" have upgraded, and if it's stable!
Many thanks in advance!...
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hi jonny, be aware that when used in SLAVE mode, that there midi timing has issues, no matter what os is used
no mention from pioneer about this whatsoever
Hmmm... Yes - just started to realise that this morning... Oh dear haha... I'm having flash backs to 15 years ago trying to sync up midi equipment (which led me to be in-the-box); strangely it's terrible midi jitter from computers to external midi hardware that's leading me back to out-of-the-box :-/ (and a need to get computers out of my creative life)...
The other day I pressed play and left my SP16 synced to digitakt (clocked by digitakt) for about a half hour... still in "pretty damn good" sync - great. I've messed around with loop timestretching and pitch shifting extensively during playback to try to throw it off-time - still in "pretty damn good sync" - fantastic. So I thought "things are looking really good here"... But this morning I started an in-depth jam, and started changing scenes back-and-forth... Damn - takes about 4-5 swaps bewteen scenes to throw it out hey... That just wouldn't work in a live set as it's a clunky mess pretty quickly that way... I mean - one or two hit out before it syncs back to the clock it recieves --> sure, that makes sense... but it's just constantly out after a handful of scene changes hey...
I really REALLY like what the SP16 presents for me musically / creatively / performance-wise. I intend to use it (or something else) as the main-groove component of my tunes (like kick / sub / hh / clap / etc); with the more creative rhythm and musicality from the digitakt and a handful of other gear (and FX). It is "in theory" so freakin nailing what I hoped it could do (sample chains; slicing; excellent quality for key sounds; MULTIPLE OUTS... Thanks you!! About time in a modern sampler).... But this sync thing could be a real heart-breaker :(...
I'll test out using the SP16 as the master tonight... I'm actually yet to try SP16 as the master clock back to the digitakt... Was reluctant to set up that way though, as digitakt is the master sequencer to other equipment (at the moment). **Fingers crossed** but I'm starting to realise that I'm nearly full circle on my electronic music journey (i.e. back to midi sync heartache ahah)... If it's good enough in that config, I might just sit on FW 1.3 (although I would love some of the new features).
Anyone else have any thought on FW 1.6 sync (I guess, now, when using it as the master...)
Couldn't wait, so I've duked home early from work ;)...
Very glad to see it work as master... (FW 1.3) just spent a solid half hour trying to throw it out of whack... seems fine, so I'm smiling again. Haven't tried it in the full setup as master (digitakt sequencing other gear set as slave), but chances are it'll work just fine...
Looking good again! :)))
Now to resolve the 1.6 question of sync issues Fernando was having!
Thanks "NonExistantProductDevelopmentSupport" for your reply... Any other experiences people?
Ive been jamming two hours with two times with my machinedrum, xoxbox, and tb-3 slaved. No issues.
Cool - thanks Per...
Just updated!!... No issues with timing. Did find an odd bug with digitakt when using Toraiz midi channels during scene change (I can workaround the issue though). The following is my post on gearslutz (for interest):
Just updated(!)... Already very pleased --> no sync issues that I can tell from a 15 min session trying to push things out of time. I'll keep testing though of course.
My test setup is: Toraiz (master) --> Digitakt (slave)
One thing I have noticed that "seems" to be a bug, is that changing scenes when there is a midi track active (with NO midi events in the sequence) stops playback on the Digitakt (haha - doh!)... A bit of testing suggests that this is limited to setting the toraiz to MIDI channels 1-10... No doubt that has something to do with midi channels set to recieve on the Digitakt or something - haven't checked that...
This doesn't happen when switching patterns, so there's an extra message being sent during CHANGE-SCENE that the Digitakt doesn't like (possibly it's sending a change scene message that messes up the Digitakt?). When I set Digitakt to NOT recieve CC/NRPN, it doesn't happen... so that suggests that it's not a start/stop message. So yeah, guess is: it's sendning a NRPN message that does something odd to the Digitakt.
I need CC contrl of the Digitakt, so the workaround is obviously to avoid channels 1-10 on Toraiz (user settings may change which channels cause this issue for others though).
Annoyingly, I'm not 100% sure that I checked that 20 minutes ago on 1.3, so not sure that it's new... but odd... it's from an older 1.3 project, so I suspect it's new!...
For me - it's a no-issue workaround; so far I'm happy with the update