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Can i get a reply as to why i cant get my DJS 1000 to sync with NSX2 setup?

Audio is working fine, Am i right in thinking i just need to connect the DJS1000 to a CDJ2000nsx2 via an ethernet cable and it should sync just fine?

I have the usb pro link connected as well but it makes no difference, Ive tried multiple ethernet cables and also updated the firmware, The DJS refuses to sync, Im starting to think it's faulty.

Is there something im missing here?

aaron elliott

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5 commentaires


Did you select ProDJ Link as the sync option?

Pulse 0 votes
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I eventually figured it out, I hadn't realised the DJS 1000 would only sync in export mode in rekordbox so i had to break out all my old ethernet cables from my cdj2000 days to wire everything up (which is a bit of a step backwards) but at this point im just glad to have it working properly.

Just hope those engineers are still working on getting the USB prolink up and running because the ethernet cables are un-reliable as hell....

aaron elliott 0 votes
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A CAT6e cable can transmit 10Gb, a USB3 cable maxes out at 5Gb.

A CAT6e cable can be as long as 100m, USB3 can only go to 15m length.

A 10m CAT6e cable is $15, but prepare to shell out about $125 for that luxury on USB3.

A CAT6e cable can be cut and re-capped with a new connector in about 5 minutes with a simple tool to fix a damaged cable, but good luck with that and a USB cable.

Thanks, but I think they're still making the right choice with ethernet and the ProDJ Link.

Pulse 0 votes
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Ok, Now do the benefits of export mode over performance mode.

aaron elliott 0 votes
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That's apples and oranges..

Export mode is like having a hard drive on steroids connected to your players; you get the search, sort, and additional functionality of the software along with a full keyboard to navigate your collection. Additionally, you can preview songs within the software and have them monitored on your mixer's link-cue channel (if using a DJM-900NXS2). Export can be used on an older computer which may struggle if using Performance mode, as the CDJs / XDJs are doing the grunt-work.

Performance mode offers additional functions that the CDJs / XDJs and DJM alone don't offer - more FX, a sampler, video function, lighting, etc. Performance mode also offers streaming sources for music. If you're using CDJs to control Performance mode, you could have saved money and bought a DDJ to do the same thing. The advantage of those units would be that they can be used without a computer.

Pulse 0 votes
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