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Rekordbox 5 Mapping for DDJ 800 wrong

Purchased a brand new DDJ 800 from a Shop got home set it up installed all drivers firmware once setup i had a quick try on the unit after a few seconds i have noticed may issues Where as If i move my channel fader 2 Up Deck 1 BPM changes with the movement of up or down on the channel fader .. Now i have also noticed Rekordbox BPM and the DDJ 800 Itself do not match Example DDJ 800 BPM showing 153.00 Rekordbox will be showing 152.97 Can this be resolved as the unit has been out a while now and this should if been resolved by now the channel fader increasing BPM is not right at all Av got a unit thats not good atm as how the hell can i use the channel fader if its changing the Tempo BPM !!
Thor Kay

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@Thor > Please try these steps...

- If you are on a Mac, open the Audio MIDI Settings application, open the MIDI Studio window, then click the drop-down at the top of that window to create a new configuration.

- Check that the firmware is up-to-date (current version 1.01).

- Open rekordbox, click the MIDI panel, then click the DEFAULTS button to reset the controls; you don't need to save the existing settings.

Pulse 0 votes
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Hi thank you for the reply i have done all listed and its still the same .. I have noticed in the Midi Selection Theres no Channel Fader Midi Showing in the mixer selection .. So my next question if thats missing what are the channel faders midi to as they are working but my right side channel when i move it up or down increases the left side decks bpm tempo .. The Unit is brand new All firmware updated to latest .. I have now installed Virtual DJ to test with and that is working perfectly fine but rekordbox isnt i want to use rekordbox rather then vdj as i prefer rb to any other software ..

 Many Thanks

Thor Kay 0 votes
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@Thor > If you have the mixer panel open, when you move the channel faders on the DDJ, do the channel faders in the software move?

Which version of rekordbox are you using?

Pulse 0 votes
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Hi yes the channel Faders Move and Show on rekordbox as normal ... I am Using Rekordbox 5 ... I can supply video's if needed to show the issue .. My Main issue is with the bpm tempo changing on deck 1 if i move deck 2 channel fader up or down .. on the DDJ 800 itself the bpm does not do the same as rekordbox by changing with deck 2 channel fader .. I have tried the other way round with decks and channel fader and theres no issue as menioned above with deck 1 and channel fader 2 am very annoyed as this unit should be working correctly out the box ..

Thor Kay 0 votes
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Hi here i have attached a link to a video showing the issue happening i am having this is a firmware or rekordbox issue the bpm on the ddj 800 does not change as shown on the video you can clearly see it should not be adjusting my bpm temp when i move my channel fader there two different components for different things .... 


Video Download Link 


Thor Kay 0 votes
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Hi did you ever get a resolve to this issue, as I am having the exact same issue. Channel 2 causes the bpm on channel 1 to speed up, its driving me crazy. Thanks

Josh Barkess 0 votes
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@Josh - if this doesn't work:

Open rekordbox, click the MIDI panel, then click the DEFAULTS button to reset the controls; you don't need to save the existing settings.

You may have a hardware issue; please contact an authorized service centre in your region to have your hardware inspected and/or repaired.

Pulse 0 votes
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