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KRK Rokit RP8 G4 to DDJ-1000 SRT

Hello all,


Recently I bought a pair of KRK Rokit RP8 G4 for use in my Pioneer DDJ 1000 SRT Controller.
However, after I connect XLR cables and perform e test, I expected more from audio quality. I have a sensation that I'm listening a mono audio.
I'm considering to use a pro equalizer, an audio interface
or a sound table.
Could it be that the cables I'm using are not quality and make my experience bad? Or, the sound emitted by the DJ controller is of poor quality (and needs treatment with some equipment before arriving at the monitors)? Please help me with this question.

Thiago Zen

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2 commentaires


Serato does have a MONO output setting, have you checked that in the MIXER section of the preferences?

Pulse 0 votes
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I am using version 2.3.4 and this function does not exist!

Thiago Zen 0 votes
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