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How do I do program 7/4 time signature/bars in my Toraiz Pioneer DJ SP16?


I am a performance musician, guitarist/vocalist/etc, looking to sample in song sections/backing tracks to play lead and sing/improvise guitar against live. I seem to be hitting a wall though with odd time signatures, is there a way to program 7/4 bars or a workaround into the sampler?

The ability to change the length of bars and also drop the tempo down below 60 would also be VERY VERY helpful. If anyone has insight on the above it would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you.

Mark Kelton

Commentaire officiel


The sequencer is designed for 4/4 timing, so my recommendation would be to make the sequence length 14 beats instead of 16 to make it 2 sequences of 7 beats.

If you want to go below 60, say to 50, just double it to 100 and think of it as having twice as many notes in the measure.

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4 commentaires


Wow, this did the trick, I failed to realize that I could truncate the note sequence itself for specific patterns. Thank you!


Mark Kelton 0 votes
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In response to the second answer, is there any hardware limitation preventing the BPM from going lower than 60? Would it be possible to get this added to the next firmware update?

Mark Kelton 0 votes
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There are no future firmware updates on deck, sorry.

Pulse 0 votes
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