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MIDI pad compatibility with RB-DMX1 + DMX Splitter

Hi there,

I've recently purchased the RB-DMX1 and it works perfectly with my DDJ-1000. I am slowly collecting more lights to daisy chain off of my GigBar Move and want to get a MIDI pad like the Novation MKII pad so I have more buttons to control the lights with independently. I was wondering whether you can link any MIDI pad to control the lights with through the RB-DMX1 or if it's solely compatible with the pad on the DJ deck.

Also, I am wanting to purchase a DMX splitter to connect the RB-DMX1 to which will split off to 6 outputs controlling the lights separately rather than daisy-chaining all of them. Does this work and is there any noticeable delay in the signal I should be aware of?


Blake McCord

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First, have you looked at the DDJ-XP1 or 2 for pad control? You can add a splitter but why would you since you can always create different venues and scenes??


Jay 0 votes
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I have used a 4 and 8 port splitter on the RB-DMX1 and have not noticed any appreciable delay, I have noticed delay when using some WiFi DMX and this can be annoying but is not a fault on the RB-DMX1. MIDI mapping works on any USB midi pad that i have tried, Abelton, Aki and Worlde (cheap) it just depends on the number of pads that you require. I have just bought a DDJ-XP1 as it was half the price of the DDJ-XP2 and also works as an unlock device for connecting to DJM's and CDJ's that are missing an easy hot que feature. 

SoundBitch 0 votes
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