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Squid - MIDI Clock Problem

When Squid is slaved to MIDI clock I have the following problem:

When I press stop and then play on the DAW Squid will continue playing from where it stopped and not reset to the beginning of the pattern.

This happens unless I happen to be playing from Bar1|Beat1 in which case Squid will start playing from the beginning each time I play from the DAW. But let's say I am looping Bars 17 to 21 in my DAW. When I stop the DAW transport and then restart SQUID will continue playing rather than reset.

I checked through all the sync settings according to the manual.

None of my other MIDI slaves display this behaviour. They will always reset to Step 1 and chase incoming MIDI clock.

I tried this with both, Pro Tools, and Reaper and Squid behaves the same with both of them.


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Hi Squirrel. I understand what you are saying. That is not ideal. Let me try and replicate this behavior with my DAW and see if I can identify exactly where the problem lies. I'll get back to you shortly.

Rhythm Droid
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Thank you, @Rhythm Droid. I am looking forward to your findings!

Squirrel 0 votes
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i can recreate the issue when using Ableton Live only when playing in Loop Mode in Arranger view.

When i change the clock mode from Song to Pattern it's okay.

The Problem is the DAW sends out a SongPositionPointer and a Continue instead a Start Message.

I tried it with other Sequencers - they all do the same when receiving a Continue message. And this is the correct behaviour! 

See if you can change the setting of your DAW. 

verstaerker 0 votes
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Thank you, @verstaerker. I can confirm that configuring Reaper to not send SPP/Continue makes the Squid work as expected.

Pro Tools (with its more limited MIDI capability) does not provide this option, however. 

It looks as though all my other slaved hardware is capable of translating a SPP Continue  command to a Start command. 

Seeing that the SQUID is a pattern based sequencer it would be very useful if that could be implemented in a future firmware upgrade.

Squirrel 0 votes
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