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Betopper LS10 - Not working correctly

Hi, there appears to be issues with the current version of this fixture in the library. It appears the colour values aren't correct. I have the DMX address on the fixture correct to the software, and the correct channel setting on both the fixture and software, but the colours don't ever seem to match except white. I have attached a link to a video I took of all the selected colours and all the colours the fixture projects - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/eSZMoTJj8yw.

When selecting the colours on rekordbox, these are the colours the fixture shows:

Red - fixture shows blue/green

Green - fixture shows yellow/orange

Blue - Fixture shows magenta

Magenta - fixture shows orange

Yellow - fixture shows red

Cyan - fixture shows yellow/orange

White - fixture shows white


The link to the fixture website - https://betopperdj.com/products/betopper-10w-dj-moving-head-lights-ls10

The link to the fixture manual - https://cdn.shopifycdn.net/s/files/1/0084/5230/9047/files/LS10.pdf?v=1630912923

The colour wheel is here

I also find that the moving heads only seem to show the same colour (mainly purple) during the light shows assigned by rekordbox but not sure if this is something that will fix when you fix the colour assignment patch.

They also don't seem to strobe on any of the rekordbox scenes, and move the same on most of them. I dont know if this is how the moving heads are programmed in general? or weather its something else than needs looking at for full functionality.

I have a gig tomorrow night, if there is anyway you can fix it by then!

Jack Hopkins Completato

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Thank you for the information. We have some questions:

1) We don't understand the order of the colors. In reality, which one is number 1, red or yellow? At the moment it is set like this.
However, the main issue is that we are missing DMX details for the color wheel. We need to know what are the exact DMX ranges from 0-139 values.

2. Regarding strobe, at the moment it is set to be open at 0, and 1-255 from slow to fast.

On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd

Pavlos Mavridis - AtlaBase 0 voti
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How do I find this information out for you?

Found this in the manual in the box if of help:


I had also contacted Betopper this morning for some info, and they sent me this if this if this helps in anyway as well

Jack Hopkins 0 voti
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I did some searching online, try the colour sequence as:

Colour 1 - White

Colour 2 - Orange

Colour 3 - Light blue

Colour 4 - Red

Colour 5 - Green

Colour 6 - Blue

Colour 7 - Yellow

Colour 8 - Magenta

Jack Hopkins 0 voti
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Have just recieved an email from betopper with the colour info - confirming the above. He sent me the chart and all the values

Jack Hopkins 0 voti
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Thank you very much for all the information. 

Your fixture request has been updated in the AtlaBase library. It will be reflected in the next rekordbox fixture library update (performed once a week on Wednesday or Thursday except for the national and company holidays). Please find the latest list of the library fixtures here (under Fixture library lists).

On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd

Pavlos Mavridis - AtlaBase 0 voti
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Hi, as per the update, this still isnt showing the correct colours:

I am now getting when selected:

Selected Red - Showing Blue

Selected green - Showing yellow

Selected blue - Showing green

Selected magenta - showing magenta

Selected yellow - showing cyan

Selected cyan - showing yellow

Selected white - showing white

Jack Hopkins 0 voti
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The fixture is not updated yet within rekordbox. You will know you have the latest version when its version goes to 3001.

On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd

Pavlos Mavridis - AtlaBase 0 voti
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The latest fixture version is still 3000. Please wait until the next fixture update.
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd

Pavlos Mavridis - AtlaBase 0 voti
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Hi Pavlos. Can you try the same DMX values as previously edited, but with this colour sequence please. I think  I must have a different order of colours on my wheel, as to what Betopper have been sending me. I managed to find a setting on the light which cycles through the colour wheel. I have this as the sequence:
Colour 1: White (001 - 009)
Colour 2: Red (010 - 019)
Colour 3; Green (020 - 029)
Colour 4: Blue (030 - 039)
Colour 5: Yellow (040 - 049)
Colour 6: Orange (050 - 059)
Colour 7: Cyan (060 - 069)
Colour 8: Magenta (070 - 079)
These would make sense, as white and magenta are in the same place as the previous list i sent you from the maufacturer, and they were the ones that showed correctly in rekordbox. So please could you update the library to that order and I will test it once updated. 
I also have these as the half colours:
Colour 8 & 7 (080 - 089)
Colour 7 & 6 (090 - 099)
Colour 6 & 5  (100 - 109)
Colour 5 & 4  (110 - 119)
Colour 4 & 3 (120 - 129)
Colour 3 & 2 (130 - 139)
Many thanks,
Jack Hopkins 0 voti
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Hi please can you confirm the above new information on the latest comment has been acknowledged please, as it was posted last Tuesday and not in last weeks update! Thanks

Jack Hopkins 0 voti
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Hi, I have just downloaded library version 1361. Has my fixture update been included in this library update? As the fixture says version 3001 still 

Jack Hopkins 0 voti
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Hi Pavlos, all works correctly now, thank you for your time and effort and patience in sorting this with/for me!

Jack Hopkins 0 voti
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