NAMM disappointment for Toraiz owners
I must admit that I'm a little disappointed with the NAMM release. The only new thing is copy and pasting of scenes, whilst a very welcome addition, it is frustrating that they added a special midi feature for their new synth but didn't address the glaring midi bugs / omissions (I suppose they got to make more money)!
I also thought they would have added undo and copy / paste trigs.
I know they mentioned that they are listening to the forum but no specifics at all are given, so overall I am quite disappointed.
Fingers crossed for the future whatever that might bring to the Toraiz.
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agree with you... Also they disappointed with no FX 2 for individual TRACK. What are they waiting for? Thats a basis! Combination of more fx per track will bring up this sampler to another profi level.
Pioneer please add more FX like TAPE ECHO, AUTOPAN and something like STRETCHER/SHUFFLER (let the Illformed Glitch VST be inspiration for you).

Yeah, I understand that Pioneer is growing an infrastructure by releasing that MonoSynth with extra connectivity/control from the Toraiz. If the new MPC were not being released right now, it might seem a whole lot cooler for a lot of people but it really is kind of a miss in my opinion.
I am disappointed with the Toraiz press release regarding updates. I understand sharing product roadmap can be a bit risky but really, as long as there are some disclaimers that some dates for some features are fluid and could change then why not share a general direction? My main pieces of gear are a decently large Buchla 200e modular, some outboard effects and I am looking for one other piece of gear to flesh out what I can't do with Buchla (mainly samples for Drums, Pads and Atmospheres, etc). I do utilize Midi with my Buchla, but my music is not 4/4 always so I know I am not the average user of this piece of gear. I would love to stay with the Toraiz but vague responses about watching the forum and FB does not inspire hope.
Guess I am going to give MPC Live a shot (Wish I could afford to keep both but my nasty modular habit has hurt my gear fund).

The only thing I can remember from your post above is...... BUCHLA :)
Though, I will make do with my modest eurorack :)
I am going to hold onto my Toraiz and see how things develop. It's worth waiting 3-6 months to see how the MPC Live / X rolls out - could be buggy, bad timing etc.

LOL, Buchla is fun! I have a full 24 space case (mostly 200e but a few clones/3rd party modules). I love Euro, just don't have any. In fact, I love all Modulars: Have had Euro, Serge, Modcan A, a Fenix 2 and of course Buchla. Wish I could keep them all...
I would generally do the same thing regarding waiting to see how the MPCs roll out but I am within my return period on the Toraiz and I would hate to lose money and have to deal with the hassle of selling 2nd hand so that I can scoop an MPC.

Serge user here!! Was hoping for a bit more out of the sequencer in terms of timing and per track options beyond 4/4.. hoping that the "AS-1" midi track can be used for any midi instrument. Instead we get sharing scenes. Who really wanted that???
RECORDING MIDI IN! Please please

Serge, buchla, and here I was thinking I was sophisticated with my plain old eurorack :)
I'm not sure the midi side of things will ever get that detailed. That's why I picked up a Squarp pyramid a few days ago. Very good piece of kit.
I am still surprised that you can't record midi trigs from an external midi device. Such an oversight, which has been mentioned multiple times and acknowledged by pioneer

I've always seen the Toraiz as more of a performance/DJ type tool that most definitely caters to the 4/4 "dance" market. While I certainly would appreciate the features that are there being more fleshed out and the addition of some other must haves, I do not want the SP-16 to lose its simplicity and workflow by trying to become an all in one studio centerpiece. I want it to play samples in time with the rest of my gear, sound good and be fun to play/intuitive.

^ agreed, but, as you say, let's get some of the basic functions in the box please :)