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"Track cut" feature in Rekordbox

The ability to place 2 markers in a track, and tell the system to skip that part of the track would be nice. So like an auto hot cue play between 2 points.

So I set 1 point at 1:56 and another point at 2:36, when the track is playing, it will skip straight from 1:56 to the 2:38 totally skipping out the 40 seconds in between seamlessly...if that makes sense?

Will be nice to be able to quickly and easily cut out parts of tracks, without having to manually do it with Hot Cues.

Samuel Alexander Spratt Con risposta

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Basically what Serato DJ has in their "Flip" feature. I know it's been suggested before, but I don't have any information as to whether or not it will be included, nor a timeline, sorry.

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6 commenti


I always dreamed of this feature! Your post is the only thing i found on the web mentioning this feature... wish someday it will be impended! Genius my friend. 

Reuben Grima 0 voti
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It would be very simple to do! Create a hot cue then right click on it and select "Skip to" with a list of all the other hot cues.

Auto skipping - done.... COME ON PIONEER...

Saves the ball ache of having to load up a DAW and completely edit a track, re-export and the reu-pload.

Might do a new post about it, get it toward the top again haha.

Samuel Alexander Spratt 0 voti
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a Rekordbox equivalent of Serato FLIP is OVERDUE AND NECESSARY!

As well as CAMELOT KEY NOTATION option.

Herb n’ WharfAir 0 voti
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