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Pioneer PLX-1000 Turntable Tonearm Leans Straight Down

First off, I do love this new turntable!  As a current owner of 4 other Technics who has tried many throughout the years, it is definitely a great new addition to the market with some extra benefits (detachable power cord/RCA, multiple pitch adjustments, etc).  Having said that, I have no clue what happened here in regards to the tonearm (see pictures).  Even if I set the height to the highest, take off the weight, and so on...it still faces completely downward now in resting position.  But I just noticed this and it still works fine while playing.  Again this is less than a year old and have never seen this occur on any turntable model I have had owned throughout the years.  Thanks in advance for your response!

DJ Hexum Con risposta

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Hey Hexum,

Is it possible that the tonearm simply rotated in its mount? It is S-shaped, and a rotation would cause the curve to then point it "down" toward the platter (inversely, if it rotated the other way, it would be pointing "up").

The reason the tonearms are in limited supply is simply that the units are so new (relatively) and the parts being manufactured are destined for production units, not repair stock. As for the price, much like if you were to try and build almost anything by buying all the parts individually, the cost of the parts off-the-shelf are always greater than the sum of the parts in a new, complete, product. I'm not trying to justify the amount that Pioneer DJ is charging (seems steep to me as well), but we all know how it goes with supply & demand.

Unfortunately the crew here on the forums can't do much in the way of getting you a lower price on hardware repairs, but we can pass along your comments to the product managers and planning teams, especially if this is something that can be improved upon, and I can see the need for supply and cost being something the customer would like improved. Your best bet is to continue communication with the repair shop and ask them for updates. Sorry for the inconvenience!

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it was straight before and now it is bent downwards?  Or has it always been bent downward?

Mark Gallo 0 voti
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Thank you for your prompt response!  Definitely straight before and now downwards.  And I have no clue how it happened.  Had a gig on that Sunday, packed up securely in the travel cases as I always do with all my turntables end of night, and re-opened on Wednesday to notice this.  Everything was intact with the tonearm still attached to the tone-arm clip.  The repair shop (who has been here for years servicing all brands of DJ turntables to all of us DJs) has quoted a repair cost of $360.  Which is basically the same as for a Technics (and other models) tone-arm replacement.  I have just never seen a tone-arm do this before in my life.  However it still worked fine I will give it that.  I am just curious about my options.  Because I definitely want to get this back as soon as possible to use for all my upcoming gigs...thanks!  

DJ Hexum 0 voti
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I can assure you the tone arm did not bend on it's own.  Something had to happen to it.  It's possible the turntable could have shifted inside the case causing the tonearm to bend.  Unfortunately, you'll need to have this repaired.

Mark Gallo 0 voti
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Again thank you for responding quickly.  So basically I have been told that Pioneer has a shortage of tone arm replacements and my turntable has been sitting at the repair shop for close to 3 months now.  Seems quite odd that there would be a "shortage" considering you have basically two brand new turntables that are being sold en masse.  Can you elaborate?  I would like to get this fixed ASAP so I can use it.  Thank you!  

DJ Hexum 0 voti
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Sorry, I do not have any information on the availability of repair parts.  Click here to contact the parts department directly.

Mark Gallo 0 voti
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This is just unfortunate in my opinion.  If in less than one year, the tonearm gets messed up on a $700 turntable and there are no replacement tonearms available from Pioneer on new turntables that are MASS produced - then this has become nothing more than a very expensive paper weight.  Even the tonearm replacement costs around $300 which is half the cost new.  It literally has been sitting at the repair shop for close to 3 months now.  I have had multiple Technics lasting over 10 years with zero problems - even tonearm replacements were quicker on Technics and they have not been made in years.  This is a new market for Pioneer and hopefully one they will improve on.      

DJ Hexum 0 voti
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I've just heard from our warranty department in the USA and they were also aware of the tonearm parts backorder, but informed me that a shipment is making its way state-side, so any repair shops who had ordered them should receive them shortly.

Thanks for your patience with regards to any backorders!

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