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Djm 450 and PlX500 humming from speakers Help

Just purchased a brand new set up. Djm 450 plus two plx500 decks. I have also a brand new Denon mini hifi with mission speakers. Good set up all round. I have a Cambridge audio rca from mixer to hifi.

im getting really bad feedback / electric interference through speakers when I touch the mixer and decks, when channel one or two is open, when mixing you can't really notice it, it is when there is no audio, no vinyl playing, and you physically touch the decks and mixer.


any ideas please help

Jonathan Ireland

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Hello all,

Sorry for the late reply.

DJM-450 engineers answered about the grounding.

Please use the SIGNAL GND terminal at the rear side of DJM-450 as shown below to connect a lead wire to the metal part of an AMP, a speaker or a table instead of power input.


CRM, Pioneer DJ

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The plx500s don't have an external ground cable, so how do you ground them? I was lead to believe by the retailer that they have internal grounding within the units? ....so, the question to you at pioneer: how do you ground the turntables? Surely this hasn't been overlooked by yourselfs? You can't expect the consumer to ground there own equipment? ....#confusedconsumer

Jonathan Ireland 0 voti
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Ah crap, sorry - I totally forgot the 500 is without the grounding line! lol

No, you're right, it is internally grounded, but it's possible that you have a ground-loop somewhere in your setup. Does the same thing occur whether you're using the deck in phono output or line output? (Be sure to match with the correct input on your mixer.)

Pulse 0 voti
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It happens on both line and phono. This only stops when the tone arm level is raised by 3mm, which stops the feedback noise. But then in turn I can't have the tone arm levelled properly which effects my preferred performance 

Jonathan Ireland 0 voti
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Weird, let me ask the product engineers and see what they have to say.

Pulse 0 voti
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Sorry for the delay in getting this back to you - our engineers have a few questions...

・Do you have the same issues on both of the PLX-500 decks? 
・Did you properly install the cartridge?
・Do you have the same issue if you replace the cartridge? 

Pulse 0 voti
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Hey Jonathan, just checking in to see if you have tried the solutions above?

One other question - do you have the system grounded at all?

Pulse 0 voti
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Hello, I have the same problem. I have 2 PLX 500, I connected them to diferent mixers, try them in line or phono and there's a terrible hum. I have to put down the bass to the minimum. Obviously I like some bass in my songs. What Can I do?

Frank Brunet 0 voti
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