I remember the CDJ scratch sample disc that had a few tracks and scratch samples on it, but haven't seen those since the 1000 mk1 line went away. I'll inquire, but to be honest I don't expect to find any around....
I have a pair of CDJ MK1s. I bought them new when they first came out. When I bought them, they each came with a demo cd of music and sample tracks to practice with. I moved recently and have misplaced them. Is there anywhere that I can get new ones or replacements?
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I remember the CDJ scratch sample disc that had a few tracks and scratch samples on it, but haven't seen those since the 1000 mk1 line went away. I'll inquire, but to be honest I don't expect to find any around....
Hey all,
Looks like I'm not the only dj looking for this thing.
at Gino, did you find yours?
I actually just recently lost my scratch sample disk myself. I have no clue how it happened but now I can't find mine lol. I have the sleev, but no disk.
I'm unsure if you're looking for the same one as I am, but my cd sleev says this.
CDJ-1000 special pioneer edition MIXXING LINK DIGITAL VINYL TURNTABLE TOOLS for professional dj use only.
I'll be taring down my place this weekend in my search and, if I find it, I can rip it and share it if I'm allowed to do so on the forum. I couldn't find any forum rules page, so I'm currently unsure if I can share dropbox links and stuff like that.
Best Regards,
I have a couple lying around since the time i bought my first CDJ 1000 setup, i know i also made copies. i'll have a looksee and maybe i'll find them. Lots of cds to dig thru.
That would be awesome! I sure appreciate it, thanks for taking the time to look for it.
Hey all,
I'm still looking for mine.
At martin, how will you share the demo disk if you wish to do that? Will you rip to mp3 or something, then upload to sendspace or some other sharing sight? Or will you send out actual physical disks? I'll be honest I had to deny loads of dj battles and stuff because I no longer have my secret weapon lol. But if I get that disk back somehow, I'll then be able to win, or at least come close to it.
Please keep us updated man.
I can do both, IF i find them. Note that i have lots of CDs and DVDs to dig through.
I know i did not threw them away and are lying around somewhere. I got them when i bought my first CDJ 1000 setup. I know that i made several duplicates as well.
I holler if i dig something up!
Hey martin, that sounds awesome. Please keep us updated if you find them, I know how that can be, to dig through loads upon loads of cd's and dvd's to find 1 particular disk.
Thanks and much love and apreciation for looking. I'll keep a much closer eye on this topic now haha.
Hey all, I'm still looking for one of these cdj mixing link disks. I never realised how rare they actually are. I constantly kick myself for somehow losing mine.
At marton, have you found any of yours man? I know it's been a while, just thought I'd come in and check.
Please give us an update when possible,
Best Regards,
I may still have one, let me see if I can't find it!
Hey pulse, I'd apreciate that loads. After a years worth of searching, I'm slowly realising that my disk is gone. Some how. I never let it out of my sight and it just vannished.
The hold-up now is finding an optical drive to rip it. lol
At pulse, from what it sounds like you actually found yours? If so, wow dude that's amazing! If you have a desktop computer, it should have a built in drive, that and windows media player, iTunes or whatever your preference should do the trick. I spend half my time in the studio ripping disks so if you need any assistants definitely let me know. To finally get this back would make my next 100 years haha.
I had backed up mine and still have them. Great memories! Reach out. I tried to research possible sources but, could not locate any.