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PLX-500 Recording issue

I've had my PLX for a few months now and last night I was trying to digitize a few songs with the rekordbox recording function but all of the recordings would sound warped/stretched out (ex. and 8min track would become a 15-16min rec.) Is this a problem with the PLX or Rekordbox? My levels are coming in great to RB and I've tried switching cables and using RB on a different computer but the same issue keeps coming up. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!



(I have done probably 20 records already with no issues before last night)

Andrew Woods Con risposta

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Yes - there were some issues with some audio devices resulting in the playback (and possibly from your description, recording too) where it would occur at double-speed or half-speed. Please either try the 4.4.0 beta here, or you can downgrade to 4.3.0 here. Sorry for the inconvenience, we hope to have this issue resolved soon!

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I did upgrade to 4.3.1 Is that the issue? Is there a new version coming out soon or a way to revert back an update or two? Thank you!


Andrew Woods 0 voti
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I have this issue also. I finally figured out the very basics to digitize my wax collection Feb 2018. All recorded tracks sounded just fine. I imported the tracks to iTunes and all was well. Around August 2018 I noticed that playback of songs I just digitized sounded terrible, i.e. dragging, stacticy etc… Record times were way off also. Say a track is 5 minutes long. Rekordbox may show the track being 2 or 3 minutes. Analyzing of tracks seemed to triple. B4 a track would finish analyzing buy the time I finished recording the next track. I started noticing I had 3 or 4 tracks trying to analyze at the same time. At first it was the latest tracks that sounded terrible, now my whole collection of recordings in rekordbox sounds like trash. I thought this would B a faster way to digitize my wax collection but I may have 2 unbox my stand alone CD recorder.


emanuel butler 0 voti
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