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SP-16 RAM & HD expansion or MK2


I am looking into the SP-16, just curious if there are any plans to incorporate, or ways to modify, the machine to get more RAM and possibly also swap out the HD for a bigger one?


Alternatively any way of streaming audio live from the USB (Like on the CDJs)

Looks like the unit is getting steady updates, and knowing Pioneer, the specs alone is seldom the most impressive, but they always excel in user friendliness when playing live, so I still consider this over the MPC Live. Especially since I compose in a DAW anyhow, and just want performance tools.

What I don't want is to end up buying the SP-16 just to find out that there's an MK2 with larger RAM and HD just about to be released though.


Thanks in advance for replies.

Much love

Vegard / Of Norway

Vegard Of Norway Con risposta

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There is no ability to expand the internal memory or storage. We are always considering user feedback for future products and our teams are always working on new products, but we never discuss unreleased products. I can say, however, given the age of the SP-16, that there won't be a MK2 released anytime soon. If you're in need of one, now is a good time to buy.

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