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PLX-500 Platter won't start

Hi, I am from Cape Town, South Africa.
The platter on my brand new PLX-500 that I bought a couple weeks ago has suddenly stopped working. I have read this post https://forums.pioneerdj.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115017490263-PLX-500-platter-motor?page=1#comments and this I exactly what has happened to my unit. I used it for less than an hour today, practicing scratching for the first time on the unit, and when I pressed to stop the unit and tried starting it again the platter wouldn't start.
I am afraid I will be unfortunate like the guy in the above post when it comes to repairing the unit, and I will lose out on all money I just spent purchasing the plx. On top of that I have ordered another one just two days ago, and I have no guarantee that the same won't happen to the new one.
I am really disappointed about this matter, after stating that this is a "mixing and scratching" turntable.
I will be returning the unit to the place I bought it from on Monday, and try to get my money back.
I hope you guys will test your hardware more thoroughly in future.
This is the first piece of Pioneer hardware I have ever had an issue with 😔

Denzil Benjamin Con risposta

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Hey Denzil, sorry to hear about that - there were a few units on an early batch which may exhibit this issue and your retailer should be able to replace it for you if they have stock. Please let us know if you have any troubles doing so.

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Thanks for the quick response, I will definitely do that and let you know what happens on Monday.
What happens if the replacement comes from the same batch of units which have this issue? Fast forward 3 months down the line I don't want to have the same situation. I know, or at least I am under the assumption that these units can perform, based on this video which was released https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FSiDnmrt2ng
I literally bought this exact setup, and only to have this happen. I just want a reliable piece of hardware, which I am sure you guys have and can produce.

Thanks again for your response and will be in touch soon.

Denzil Benjamin 0 voti
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From what I understand not all units even from the same batch experience this issue, but if it happens within the first year, you're covered. Most users seem to have this problem within the first week to month. Sorry, I hope it doesn't occur again, but I also hope your dealer is understanding of the issue and takes care of you!

Pulse 0 voti
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Took my unit to the dealer today and they are happily going to replace it for me!

Denzil Benjamin 0 voti
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Glad to hear it, thanks for the update. Please let us know if you need any further assistance.

Pulse 0 voti
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So, in the past week I have gotten another 2 additional units from my supplier. Both yielding the same result. Within about 30-40 minutes roughly of practicing scratching (nothing intense, baby scratches and orbits) the motor of the unit gave in.  Which is now makes this a total of 3 units that have given me the same result and I have just about had enough, this is such an inconvenience. 

My supplier says there is only one(1) more unit available and I am very reluctant to try the last one, in actual fact I do not want to waste my time and effort having to trial these units any longer.

With that being said, I DO NOT want to another PLX-500, and instead I am looking at getting the PLX-1000, which is hopefully not going to give me the same result, as it is a "club-grade build", according to the website. However my supplier say's that there is only one(1) PLX-1000 unit available in South Africa, and would take weeks, 6 to 8 roughly, to get more stock. I do not see why I should wait this long for a unit, after having gone through the above, not once, or twice, but three times now. My supplier has, and is being very accommodating, however he says, "the Pioneer agents, not so much".
Also the price for the PLX-1000 is exorbitant, honestly, double the price of the PLX-500. And I would still have to pay for the shipping cost, which is totally ridiculous in my opinion, I have been back and forth with these units now, and I am so close to giving up on "Pioneer" as a trusted brand. Which I really don't want to do as I know it is a good quality brand.

Please get back to me soonest. 

Thank you. 

Denzil Benjamin 0 voti
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@Denzil > Sorry to hear about that, but please don't "bump" (or "nudge") the posts, that won't get us to see it or reply any quicker.

There's a reason the PLX-1000 is nearly double the price of the 500; the quality is that much better.

That's not to say the PLX-500 should have failed the way it did. As previously noted, some units have had this issue and it has been resolved in future production runs. If you are hesitant to receive another PLX-500, I might suggest you either wait for a different batch to arrive, or to upgrade to the PLX-1000, which is certainly designed to be more robust and performance-oriented than the PLX-500.

Pulse 0 voti
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hello, I purchase one unit on august 02 2017 and just days over the warranty the 

platter doesn’t work, I don’t use the turntable to scratch, only for play, I have another

turntable from different brand, so when I listen to music I used both of them 

together with a mixer, the thing is that what can I do? send the unit to a service

center is going to cost me more than buying another unit from a different brand I 

pretty Shure of that, I am and electronic engineer and I am pretty Shure I can

trouble shoot this, but if it is the mechanical engine is death I’m screw, since the

hole engine assembly is been sell for 165 dollars something like that, so there

anything you guys can do so I don’t feel scam




alexnieto 0 voti
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