Unfortunately there are a number of factors working against us for stock levels, including global silicon shortages for chip manufacturing from our suppliers (both processing and DACs), parts delays due to a factory fire in 2020 in Japan, production halted at factories from repeated COVID shutdowns, shipping delays due to container shortages, delivery issues thanks to a lack of truckers and backups at the ports, and high demand on products with very little stock … as such our estimated delivery dates and quantities keep changing. Your best bet is to either place a reservation or deposit, and the retailer can give you a better idea of the availability. Thank you for your understanding.
I never use the crossfader myself and would love to have the LF version of the V10 (I have the regular one and it's fine, but the crossfader is just in the way!) ... go with the LF if you can wait.
The LF channel faders are longer than the DJM-2000's faders.