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Opus Quad - new libary format

Dear Pioneer team,

I bought the Opus Quad to deal with laptop DJs and USB stick DJs.

It's a great product, but I find it unbelievable that existing rekordbox usb sticks (which work on ALL other pioneer DJ products) can only be used (incl. playlists), if a special libary for opus quad is created upfront in Rekordbox....

Are you planning an update in the firmware to adress this issue?

It can't be that a high-end system like the Opus Quad is not compatible with the existing rekordbox libary.

Tom Ho Con risposta

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It requires the new PLUS library, which is only an issue if you currently use the SYNC MANAGER as you need to select the PLUS library export at the top right. This will be addressed in the next release of rekordbox - unfortunately it was not able to be corrected in time for release, but if you use a regular export all other functions occur in parallel so you don't need to worry about compatibility. Changes made to one library can be updated to your collection and then reflected in the other library.

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Thank you for your quick response.

But after the next rekordbox/firmware update will we be able to use our USB sticks with the "current" library in Opus Quad - just as in any other CDJ/XDJ? Or do we still need to convert to the new library PLUS upfront?

Tom Ho 0 voti
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They'll still be parallel libraries, but you'll barely notice them.

Pulse 0 voti
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@Pulse, my main question is whether it will be possible (with firmware/rekordbox update) for the Opus Quad to read the current library like any other CDJ/XDJ?

Tom Ho 0 voti
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No, you'll need to convert the library on the device to a format that the OQ supports.

Pulse 0 voti
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Then I will sell the Opus Quad as soon as possible....

Such a shame that Pioneer DJ charges € 3,300 for an all-in-one DJ system and then its library is NOT compatible with all other CDJs and XDJs. All professional DJs use their USB Recordbox sticks and assume that they will work in any other Pioneer DJ systems. Well, these sticks work with all Pioneer DJ systems - except one, the Opus One! What are the people in charge at Pioneer thinking - that all DJs have two libraries on their stick - just in case they might play on an OQ one day? I don't think so...

Tom Ho 0 voti
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Happened to me last weekend, friend did a private party, spend almost CAD5K on a Opus Quad, brought my keys, plug them, guess what I WASN'T ABLE TO SEE ANY OF MY PLAYLISTS that i normally see on any Pioneer cd player lol.

So lame!

When a fix for this?

Simply City 0 voti
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What about the other way around? If I make a usb stick with the new format, can I use the usb stick in the other products?

Element115 0 voti
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Rick, from what i tested yes, i have a RX3  and a usb drive i use on it, plugged it into RB and updated to the new PLUS for Opus testing and it still worked in my RX3 but now in RB on the flash drive you see your library duplicated pretty much

BriChi 0 voti
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Ok. That's good. Can you test turning off compatibility mode so that you ONLY have the new format and maybe only see 1 library? The fact that you see 2 libraries hints that it would work with the newer format independent of the old one.

Element115 0 voti
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It's pretty simple - open rekordbox ONE TIME and convert the library, it will work just as you expect it to every other time.

Pulse 0 voti
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Opus Quad's library only works on OQ - no other CDJ/XDJ, etc.!

All existing CDJ, XDJ libraries do NOT work on OQ.

You need to have 2 libraries on your USB stick. one for CDJ/XDJ and one for OQ. It's unbelievable but true.

The conversion of the library is easy - but no one does this upfront if you don't own a OQ? No spontaneous gigs on an OQ, B2B, etc with existing Pioneer DJ libraries.

And the best thing - it's not a bug, it's a feature!

There are no plans from Pioneer DJ to solve this problem. New product line, new library, maybe to make sure that OQ is not interfering too much on the Pro Line.


Tom Ho 0 voti
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You can still load the content of a drive even if you haven't converted. No, you won't have the library to browse as usual (artist / playlist / etc), but at least the songs are available. Once you use rekordbox after version 6.6.11, if you create a plus library, it will update both on export, so it's brainless.

Rip the band-aid once and it will be fine.

Pulse 0 voti
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I don't understand why pioneer doesn't think this is a big deal. The idea behind the OQ was to fill a gap between travel djays and club djays. The library is such a core part of the functionality of the equipment. Djays need to be able to bring their previously created USB sticks to this unit without having to go to their computer to update the USB stick.... it feels like to me that pioneer is doing this so that clubs and venues can't buy the OQ because it would mean then that any djay can just come in and use the OQ interchangeably... and they wouldn't make as much money selling the cdj and mixers as individual components.... the other feature limitation that leads me to believe this is that the OQ isn't compatible with other components via Pro Link. The pro link only works with 1 laptop. So basically pioneer is doing their best from allowing this unit to be a viable option in a club/venue.

So this unit is useless for club djays... so that leaves it up to the travel djays to decide if they want to buy the OQ.... but they've gotta be sure to export their library to both formats if they any hope of using their usb sticks in a club. Maybe the OQ will work in a small corner market of djays but I can't see it scaling too well because of this library limitation....

I'm likely going to be returning mine back to guitar center too. What a big mess.

Oh well.

Element115 0 voti
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It sounds to me like you're saying that anyone who is using a CDJ doesn't use rekordbox and has no potential to convert their export USB device to the Plus library.

Again, once you have converted the library, any changes you make to either library format whether on an Opus Quad or CDJ are synchronized back to your rekordbox library, and thus to each-other.

Pulse 0 voti
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That is not what I am saying.  Clearly we have not disputed that Rekordbox is being used.  This is either a total misunderstanding of what we are discussing in this thread or an attempt to redirect from what is being discussed here.

Please re-read the thread from the beginning before making any assumptions or redirects of the topic.

Thank You for your understanding as this is extremely frustrating not being acknowledged for what is being asked here.

Element115 0 voti
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I have, but it seems you've not read the answers.

"Djays need to be able to bring their previously created USB sticks to this unit without having to go to their computer to update the USB stick..."

They can, they just won't have access to their playlists until they go to rekordbox for the first time and convert their library. It only has to happen once. I'm saying any DJ who is regularly updating their export USB drive can do this process before they ever lay hands on an Opus Quad and it would be ready for them.

Pulse 0 voti
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Pulse, can you please help?

Update to 6.6.11, and now 6.7.0 (nothing changed!)

It's the most slowly rekordbox ever, takes more than hour for 1 small playlist.

New uploaded tracks in playlist rekordbox (with the waveform) after synchronize missing analyzing and waveform on usb, only in old library.

Also missed some of the tracks now in both libraries


[3] - The file could not be copied.

When does this fixed?

Now it's unusable in opus quad (missing tracks in library) and cdj (missing analyzing and waveform)

tested on 3 windows laptops

Dirk 0 voti
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Can someone from Pioneer please weigh in on why Device Library Plus was created? Curious on what needed to be changed on previous version of Device Library that's driving this update. 

I picked up the OpusQ for my rental business, but have been unable to rent out because of the high volume of DJ's that show up to an event who want to "Plug in" but haven't gone through the steps to convert library. I agree it's very simple to convert, but unless Device Library Plus is pushed out automatically in Sync Manager, this will continue to be a point of contention for DJ's that want to play an impromptu set on the Opus.

If we understand more of the overall Device Library Plus benefits aside from just being able to play on Opus, it may help drive greater adoption within our community.

I'd personally like to see an update on the Opus that allows it to be backwards compatible with non-Plus Device library, but limits whatever the incremental benefits come with Plus.

Love Pioneer products and I'm rolling with these changes, just need to better understand why they were made. Thank you.  

Alex Rodriguez 0 voti
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They won't give you an answer on this. But its because if OQ supported the "older" format, then people wouldn't buy the CDJs and mixers. The new plus format has no new features.

Element115 0 voti
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