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2 follower Segui

Time Line RX3 late

Hi, this problem has been happening to me for some time now, the lower time line is late compared to the Master, it happens with most of the songs with some yes, others no, do you know how to fix it?



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The files you've sent require a login - please change the privacy setting as follows:


1.Right click the file within Google Drive.

2.Select Share.

3.Click Advanced.

4.Click Change.

5.Select one of the following options:

•On - Public on the web: Select this setting to display a file on your site in the Google Drive app.

•On - Anyone with the link: File can only be viewed in Google Drive by people with a direct link.

•Off - Specific people: File can only be viewed in Google Drive by specific people who give access to.

6.Click Save.

7.Click Done.

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Try this:

- format your drive
- re-analyse that song
- export the contents again and check that song to see if the same problem occurs

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I have already formatted all my drives, uninstalled rekordbox, deleted all collection, and redone the analysis and export procedure on all my drives, the problem remains. Analysis on rekordbox is set to performance. This can affect?

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