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Can we add the light

Can we add the chavet wash fx hex 2 light?

Also why does my screen not show an auto button and just a manuel button in my lighting panel?

why do i have to switch back and forth to track one to get lights working, when im using track one i have to manually select track 1 on the lighting, same when i use track 2. Cant i just have track 1 and 2 clicked so i dont have to remember to switch it halfway through a song.

Why does my ddj flx10 go off and on like its in demo mode when it sits idle?

Rekord box wants us serato users to switch over but don't reply to any emails or any fixes.


I may just go back to serato.



wes hyland Non pianificato

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That's the older model, the newer model is wash fx hex units. They offer 40 Chanel 16, 6 and 3. They are chavet updated new ones. Wash fx hex. The ones listed are from 2015 I think. The new ones are 2022.

wes hyland 0 voti
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I just noticed you already created an inquiry with Curtis about adding this lighting fixture. He already asked you to access the page below to request your fixture to be included in the fixture library. 

Lighting Fixture Request – Pioneer DJ


Keiko 0 voti
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