Do you need the four channels? Effects? If not, get the DJM250 - a fantastic and simple 2ch mixer for much less than you'd expect.
So i'm in asia, and i need a set of dj gera here, but nothing crazy liek the 2000 series. I already on the whole 2000 series in the states.
So i'm looking into cdj 350, since i dont HAVE TO HAVE the same functions of the cdj 2000 or any of the auto loop features that the 900 or 850 give as i manual loop all. I think i may be set with teh cdj 350.
Now mixer wise, the Taiwanese branches here seem to have stock of djm 400, 700k, 800's, and of the course the new djm 350. I was wondering if anyone has any preferences to tel me on which one to get? obviously the 800 is a GREAT choice as its pretty much the last generations TOP LINE MIXER. but pretty much need some opinion on the djm 700k, 400, and if anyoen used the 350 how they like it. I'm gona try it out at the store, but need some opinions of course. How essential does having a filter knob is, or does a singular filter knob feel fine?
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Do you need the four channels? Effects? If not, get the DJM250 - a fantastic and simple 2ch mixer for much less than you'd expect.
I first bought the djm 700k had it for a couple of months. I realized during this short time frame that the extra 500 to upgrade to the djm 800 was worth it for me as far as being able to layer the color effects along with beat effects. The djm 700k is a good mixer but you kinda feel like you are missing out so when I went to buy the 800 the djm 900 nexus was coming out so I waited for that and of course happy with the purchase despite that I feel pioneer should have incorperated some more added effects and functions to make the price tag more easier to justify but regardless still awesome build love the mixer. Now I know the djm 900 nexus may not be a option for you so I recommended the djm 800 for the simple fact that your always going to want the best of the best and if you go with the entry level editions and moderate editions you may or may not kick your self for not just going straight for the djm 800 mixer.
Of course it all depends on preferences as far as what are you looking to get out of it like Pulse mentioned above. I don't know if you already have the 2000 set equipment or not but let say you have pioneer equipment and they are the top of the line like the 2000's or 900's then it makes sence to go small with the djm 350 or the djm 400 mixer. Because then you can you use the equipment as your back up or for smaller gigs.
Now if you don't own any pioneer equipment and your not a pro dj by any means, you don't know how to mix then the djm 400 or djm 350 is your choice because of the price factor and when you are learning how to mix you need to budget accordingly with what you are going to get out of it which is practice and maybe some house parties or small gigs.
Now if money is no option than just go with the djm 800 can't go wrong.
Let me know a little backround about your self such as are you a experience dj, do you play payed gigs already, are you a noob to pioneer equipment, are you just a home basement dj ect.....also are you mixing with a laptop in the future or just cds and a mixer. Pretty much what do you want to get out of the equipment you use in general.
I currently have been a house and online stream dj for the past 3 years,
i own all 2000 series, so i'm very familiar and very comfortable with pioneer products, Along with the Use of rekordbox, i'm a avid promoter of not relieing too much on software, which i graduated from Serato actually to rekordbox. I've slowly matured my game through rekordbox and im very pleased with all pioneer products.
I use MASSIVE amounts of fx as pioneer mixer fx are top of the line in all aspects. This will only be a home away from home equipment, so only when i come back from the states to asia would i use this gear for either house parties, or really for me to make mixes at the asia home.
I've currently decided on the djm 700, and 2 cdj 350, as its not necessary that i need all the functions of the cdj 2000 that i love so so much.
I will feel very underwhelmed if i use anything under a djm700, but at the same time i dont mind having filters for each channel. HOWEVER i love the control that the djm 2000 has for the beat fx in terms fo the EQ knobbs for the beat fx. So in that respect, i found the djm 700 very intriuging because it has the frequncy control for the beat fx as well. Would that in turn by my biggest reason i should get the djm 700? I've never used anythign but the djm 2000 and a few times of the djm 800.
by the way thank you Pulse, and thank you DJ NVASION for the lengthy and very descriptive comments to help me out. truely kind of you guys to help out a fellow dj.
i dont play much gigs as my day time job (need fence?) is pretty hefty work, so i stream online, and make mixes, as thats what i really enjoy, just making good mixes. Let me know what you would recomend for me, cause i know i wont need to buy any more gear for a LONG TIME regardless of which decision i make. not sure about the cdj 350's, i'm assuming they should have pretty decent build to them to last atleast a couple years.
(i'm also never heavy on my gear, and i know the limitations of how much pressure or power i should and can exert on to the pioneer gear)
So i've decided i may get the 350,
Questioin in regards to Monitors and connection.
the 350 only has RCA master 1 and 2, how do i connect to say the KRK RP6 g2 monitors? the RCA has one slot only. how do hook up two monitors to a djm 350?
@SpeakerHandz > Just buy a dual RCA to dual RCA cable and connect it from the back of the DJM-350 Master 1 to the RCA inputs on each speaker. Red to the right, White to the left. ;) You could also use a dual RCA to dual 1/4" or a dual RCA to dual XLR and connect the cable respectively.
dual RCA means... like a Red on Red only? and White on White only cords?
@SpeakerHands > This is what it is: http://www.pioneerelectronics.com/StaticFiles/PUSA/Images/Product%20Images/DJ/RCA-analog_angle_white.jpg
1 cable that includes a Red and White tip connection at each end of the cable.
Well i'm only in asia for 1-2 months a year, so definatly the 700 is intriuging but the 350 is going to be my choice because of not needing to invest too much, especialy i already own the djm 2000, a 700 wouldnt necessarily be necessary. But i'm very interested with the frequncy filter knobb that the 700 has over the 800!