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DJM-700 Rotary kit?

So a friend of mine was join to get this mixer because in it's description on Pios site it claims you can put in a rotary kit:::

The DJM-700 features ultra-precise channel faders, while an optional rotary kit is also available to suit mixing style.

yet he can't find it, was this not done and the website just has old/wrong info?


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@BriChi > The Rotary Kits are only available for the DJM-800, DJM-1000, and DJM-3000 models as far as I know. I've never heard or seen a DJM-700 Rotary Kit either.

There isn't anything as far as I can see on the Pioneer website that mentions a Rotary Kit for the DJM-700. What site is that line from? 

Foster 0 voti
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Yeah sorry, it must be a typo. And that's a pretty tough little page to actually navigate to through the whole site to be honest as well! lol

But even on the .eu/uk site it doesn't mention anything in the specifications of the product and only the rack mount is listed under accessories.

Sorry about your friends luck, but tell him to pick up the 800 if he wants the rotary that bad. lol 

Foster 0 voti
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hahaha, will do, I think he just googled djm700 rotary option and that came up, no biggie, he will probably still get it, or the 800 for rotary... Thanks for the info Foster

BriChi 0 voti
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@BriChi > lol, that's what I would have done if I didn't know too. :)

DJM-800 imo because the Sound Color FX!!

My pleasure. :) 

Foster 0 voti
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Someone might have copy/pasted text from an old 800 press release; there is no rotary kit option for the 700, never has been, never will be.

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