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DJM T1 - what are those midi buttons for?



There are two midi buttons left above, honestly, I haven't got a clue what those things are for...




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I read that before, but still, I don't get it...

As far as I understand, it'd be possible to use another software with this mixer, right? I wanted to use some functions in Logic 9 with the mixer, but when I use a button, the command goes also to the Traktor software...I thought it might be possible to change between software with those midi buttons, but it won't work :(

Primetec 0 voti
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@Primetec > They are like MIDI "On/Off" buttons, and allow you to set MIDI functions within "DJ software" apps that support MIDI control.

It can only use MIDI functions with 1 software at a time, thus Traktor and another app wouldn't work at the same time. Also, it only works with MIDI compatible "DJ Software". I've never seen someone DJ with Logic. ;)

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@Mazurek > I'm sorry, but this video explains it is possible to use 1 audio interface, but not use 1 controller for 2 separate applications at the exact same time. As you can see the user is clicking to enable the functions on the applications. 

There is only 1 method I have ever seen with being able to use 1 MIDI controller in 2  MIDI capable applications at the exact same time, without needing to select a button to switch between the applications. Unfortunately this method is "pretty painful" from my understanding and I don't know if it has ever been updated.

What I was referring to was: Yes, you can use 1 MIDI controller for as many MIDI applications as you would like, but you will need to switch the "mode" or "program selection" before controlling the other application unfortunately. This is where the buttons come in, and you can set them to access a different MIDI capable DJ software.

So just the tap of a button and you can control a different program, but not both simultaneously.

My apologies if I was unclear. :)

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"So just the tap of a button and you can control a different program, but not both simultaneously."


That's the point. It doesn't work. 

I don't want do DJ with Logic, but I'd like to use the T1 as a controller for it. But I have to use (or at least to have Traktor open at the same time). 

So, if I set up a command for Logic, say, "play", it starts the loaded Traktor track as well. And apparently neither Logic nor Traktor care which midi button I press...Drives me crazy!


My idea was: I press midi button 2 (for instance) and I can control Logic. I press the button again and am able to use Traktor. 

Should work, shouldn't it?

Primetec 0 voti
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@Primetec > I'm not exactly sure... but as @Mazurek suggested, you should check the manual. ;)

On page #26 under "Setting the MIDI channel" you will need to use the "Settings Utility" in order to set it apparently. One thing is for sure, the manual knows best, so I'd follow it if possible. :) lol

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Couldn't found "Logic" in the manual, my fault :P


I read the manual, but still, it doesn't work. 

Primetec 0 voti
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You need .tsi file for Logic or you have to do it manually. The DJM-T1 works as a midi controller with any software, for example with Serato. DJM-T1 sound card works with any software also.

Joanna 0 voti
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@Primetec > I have a theory... but probably easiest to ask Pulse or Gavin on this one. lol

@Mazurek > Unfortunately .tsi files are specific for Traktor midi mappings. The DJM-T1 unfortunately cannot work with Serato because it's not supported/approved by Serato. It cannot "unlock" Serato such as the SL boxes do. :)

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I think I've found the problem...page 22, last sentence. Most of the midi messages are transmitted regardless of booth midi buttons. 

Primetec 0 voti
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@Mazurek...I know that's not you on the picture, but still, you are hot, lol!

Primetec 0 voti
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@Primetec > Are you a mind reader? lol 'tis part of my theory....

@Primetec > I'm not exactly sure, but I continue to think the MIDI is only compatible with "DJ Software" applications because that is only what the manual says, and because it mentions "the browse section, transport section, effect section and hot cue/sampler are transmitted regardless of the [CH 1] and [CH 2] buttons."

This leads me to believe it has something like an "engraved" set of MIDI controls that "send" no matter what, and they need to be mapped before the others can be used. Meanwhile, DJ software is really the only thing that would automatically have those features to my knowledge.

It's a bit "far out", but it's a theory at least.


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Well, that's ok. I won't die without using the T1 as controller.

So here comes my next question, lol:

When I start Logic, it recognizes the T1 and asks if I want to use it. I klick o.k, and the sound goes trough the mixer. But it goes through channel one, where my turntable is! Any possibility to change Logic to channel two?

Primetec 0 voti
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Lol, what did I write?? I won't die if...and so on..lol

Primetec 0 voti
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Oh, my God, DJM-T1 works as a midi controller with Serato too. See the video:


Serato works with Rene sound cards only but you can use any midi controller. Traktor works with any sound card and any controller.

Primetec, your Logic needs midi mapping file to mixer DJM-T1. If you don't have that, you can do it yourself. Just as DJ Guto did on the video.

Joanna 0 voti
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@Primetec > I'm not exactly sure with Logic, is there something in the Utility settings to change the input settings properly, or something in the Logic Preferences where you can edit the connected devices or sound card?

Overall, why not just move your turntable to channel 2? lol

@Mazurek > My apologies. The DJM-T1 cannot work "natively" with Serato as it does not "unlock" the software by itself. :)

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I can't move the turntable, since my fader hand is the right one ;)

Primetec 0 voti
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@Primtec > Figures! lol Sure you can... just mix with the gear upside down! ;)

As I mentioned before, it's probably be best to hear from Pulse or Gavin on this one. :)

I'm out, time to sleep! lol

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