The thing that surprises me most is that it doesn't have a curvy faceplate to match the new CDJs. Looks nice though
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The thing that surprises me most is that it doesn't have a curvy faceplate to match the new CDJs. Looks nice though
No quantize.........but Beat Effects whats this?New cool feature from Pioneer YES!!!!!!!
Ok, but what's the difference to the 900 Nexus?
2 missing instant color FX
2 missing and 1 new beat effect (by the way, whats's echo up?!?)
no quantize and no x-Pad
and what's beat fx?
Is something more other than I wrote?
Make not tausend Mixers in the Year,support 100% Djm 2000 or Cdj 2000 ;)
@markoerregger: +1 !!!
@Xador > The difference is the DJM-850 is the DJM-900's little brother.
It doesn't include digital inputs or the LINK feature just like it's partner the CDJ-850's. It's available in Silver and Black like the CDJ-850's, and includes the 3 Band EQ/Isolator, 4 Sound Color FX (Filter, Crush, Gate, Noise), 13 Beat Effects (new 'Up Echo'), and all new Beat Color FX!! It also includes a 24bit/96kHz Built-in Sound Card and is Traktor Scratch 2 certified! But you can get all the info from the announcement page.
This is a more affordable update to the DJM-800's long reign of terror on the DJ industry, and it's certainly beautiful! ;)
Except the 800 had digital inputs ;)
Looking forward to more Pio news :o
@Mark90 > Yeah, I love digital inputs, but it doesn't make sense to have them on the DJM-850 since the CDJ-850's don't have digital outputs. Not to mention it helps with costs. ;)
Looks nice. I like the sidechain effects idea. Can't wait to try one out.
@Mark 90: No, it's an working example of the DJM 2000! :-P
Well, I see, they have started to cencor rigth now...
So my comment wil self destroy in:
@Markoerregger > The Beat Effects are almost like quantized effects - they're a nifty little feature that I really like on the unit.
@Xador > What are you on about?
There will, of course, be more information and videos to come.
Is it based on the same DSP engine/platform as 900 or 800?
The part from 900 annoncenement reads "The DJM-900nexus is equipped with the same audio input and output circuits as Pioneer's flagship DJM-2000 to achieve the most accurate audio reproduction from connected sources...". I guess this (whatever it means) is not true for 850?
@Anton it seems it has the newest soundcard from pioneer. Which means one of two things, first it has the same sound quality as the djm 900 nexus Or second it had same quality as the 900 but with some updates on the soundcard. Either way it will have the same sound quality from the djm 900 nexus.
Now I don't know if this is a typo or not but the discription under beat effects towards the end of the sentence reads that the beat effects can be combined to have 100s of combinations. Are they refering to the color effects in conjuction with each beat effect or the beat effects alone can combine with each other?
if so I am selling my 900 asap lol...
Hi Guys, I've been looking at the 900NXS to replace my 800 and have a few questions:
The colour effects on the DJM 850 have a 'beat' function, does the 900NXS carry the 'beat' colour effetcts or are they manual like the 800?
If not could a firmwire update see this introduced by assigning a defunct button (in my case this would be the midi function) to control the beat on off for the colour effects. Thanks
@davids_lfc > No, the MIDI button is far from defunct; many DJs use it! If Pioneer were to reassign this button I feel there'd be many unhappy DJs. ;) Unfortunately I don't believe there are any plans to introduce the Beat effect to the 900nexus.
Thanks for the reply Pulse. I didn't think so just thought it may be a possibility. Nevermind I'm sure the NXS would look better next to my 2 CDJ 900s anyway! Still the 850 looks like an amazing bit of kit.
Under beat effects towards the end of the sentence reads that the beat effects can be combined to have 100s of combinations. Are they refering to the color effects in conjuction with each beat effect or the beat effects alone can combine with each other?
As a PIO fanboy I gotta check this new mixer out but as a DJM900NXS owner don't have a real reason to buy it. =)
Censure is ON ... u can only say good things or u are erased ... LOL
To be honest, people with the 900 should be asking "Should I buy a 2000?", and people with the 2000 should be asking "Should I buy the 900?".
If you have either of these 2 mixers, then it makes 0 sense at all to even consider moving to an 850.
The 850 is the logical, and most attractive option for owners of 500's, 600's, 700's or 800's, or CDJ-850's or below.
When I try to play the video, it says 'this video is private' ???
Go on youtube there are a few uploads on there with this same video. It must be something with the or settings on your end either it be a mobile or something because I have no problem seeing the video. Check it out on youtube.
For the third time Please someone explain why it the description it says that the beat effects can work to create 100s of combinations(not exact words) do they mean the combination with color effects and beat effects or can you actually use more than one beat effect at a time?
@DJ NVASION: I think, it is marketing. Let's see:
(4 color + 1 beat fx) * 13 beat FX = 65 Effects + external MIDI stuff...
I don't see any additional knob or button, with allows you to switch an effect an "hold" the one bevore active!
Don't forget that the Wet/Dry knob acts different now.... After the middle of the turn you get an extra effect combination... ;)
@NVASION > Nobody has one yet, I don't know what they were referring to when they came up with that number. But no, it's certainly not more than one beat effect at a time.
Does it sends MIDI Clock ?
Thanks guys I thought I was missing something. Pulse actually some one has one check this link I am surprised they did not get you guys a try on them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wq306OLVMiQ. One thing I don't get is the whole beat color effects thing.
@NVASION > I found out this evening that Gavin has one, I don't have one yet but may have it shortly. The guy in the video (DJ Baby J) is a Pioneer demonstrator in Sweden.