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Selling on DJM Mixers

I've just sold my DJM-2000.  It's only a few months old so still has warranty left on it.  As the receipt also has my CDJs on it I don't really want to be parting with it so have emailed the new owner a copy for his records.  Now can the new owner register the mixer on the Pioneer website with all the purchase details I entered if I remove it from my account?


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9 commenti


if i remember correctly from one of pulses previous statements the warranty is only applicable to the person that purchased the unit...

pioneer will not guarantee hesitant has not tampered with the unit .. 

Nick Hilton 0 voti
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@Pionix - Surely that would also apply to anyone who purchased a DJM or CDJ?  What's the difference.  Say I kept the mixer and it went faulty.  Would they say I had tampered with it?  Surely they would be able to tell from either screws or warranty label (if there is one)

Hesitant 0 voti
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i am only recalling a post and sincerely hope i'm wrong as it is always nice to sell things on with warranty as it adds more weight to the price.

and yes if i remember correctly it applies to any kit djm cdj etc.

Nick Hilton 0 voti
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I understand mate and I ain't getting at you for it.  I really hope you information is incorrect because I just can't understand how a global market leader such as Pioneer don't have simple procedures in place to prevent such an instance.  I've never looked in detail at my CDJs or mixer to see if there is any warranty tamper proof label or screws.  Hopefully Gavin will enlighten us.

Hesitant 0 voti
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@Hesitant > If the 2nd hand buyer receives the ORIGINAL invoice, the warranty is still valid. If you do require a receipt for your own units, I would suggest you contact the retailer for a re-print. Also, the 2nd hand buyer can register the serial number on the website - there's no problem there.

Gavin 0 voti
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@Gavin. Thanks very much for finding out and getting back me. Appreciate it.

Hesitant 0 voti
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