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DJM 700 channel 2 problem

I work in one club with DJM 700 and on second channel is working only right side ... it is not fader problem because when I listen on headphones on cue fader is downa and I still hear onli lest side ... so I suspect that problem is in input? Any ideas what it can be?

sorr for my bad englisch :/

Tomislav Pavlic

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@Tomislav > A couple of things to try for troubleshooting:

  • Does the the master does not show signal on the LEFT side?  If not, does it output audio on the LEFT side?

  • Connect the source (CDJ or turntable or whatever it is) to another channel and see if it comes out the master output on both L and R

  • Put it back in CH2, but reverse the audio so the white connector goes to R instead of L and connect the red to the L instead of R; if it's not working, you should have the audio reversed and you should still be missing the LEFT audio from the master, although the left signal from the player will now be coming out the right speaker.

  • Switch the master balance switch between STEREO and MONO; if it only comes out the RIGHT side in MONO mode, then the problem is possibly the output (whatever is connected after the master output), but if it comes out in both speakers, the problem is possibly the channel 2 fader.

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all other channals work good ... only on channal 2 i hear just right side .. master otuput shows right output only whit channel 2 fader up ... i tryed all your tips but it is same, there is no outpur on left channel it looks like cabel is not connected but it is .. i try 3 diferent cdj players ... on phono input with turntable connected is the same thin .. ... it looks that ill have to take it to service

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Yeah, sounds like it will need a service call.  Contacts are to the right side of this page.

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