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Rotary Kit for DJM-900 & DJM-2000

Is there a rotary kit feature soon to be designed for either DJM-900 or DJM-2000.  You see I have the DJM-800 with rotary kit, but I want to update my mixer. However I have seen that all mixers do not come with that feauture.  I own a pair of CDJ-2000 and the only way I will fully get to enjoy the feautures is with the new mixers.  However I refuse to mix with sliders, the rotary option gives me full control of my tracks when I blend.  Thank You and I hope to hear from you soon.  I'm Posting a pic from a friend in Australia that designed something like this.  I believe you should designed 2 ways of making Mixers.  One for sliders and one factory made rotary kit, to prevent all the fuse blowing that the DJM-800 has has when installing a rotary kit. Unfortunatly not everybody knows how to set up the kit.  And they break it. Once again thank you for your time.

Steve Gianolli

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57 commenti


thats actually my kit, i did wire it in and cut the plate myself and it works great, Pioneer is not designing a kit for them, they have said there is no real demand for it so it''s not worth the time. Really though all it is is changing one plate and 4 wire connectors so i don't see why they wouldn't just do it but hey, what do I know :)

BriChi 0 voti
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you know nothing brichi.... you are just a guinea pig ;)

TheOne 0 voti
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@ Dallas: wow thats pretty.  I wish I had the head to do that I would do it in a heart beat!

@ BriChi: Thats amazing, are you in Australia?


Steve Gianolli 0 voti
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Nice! I am in Miami, I am glad other people think the same way about rotary.  The precission is priceless!

Steve Gianolli 0 voti
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I will need to find a way to do something like this

Steve Gianolli 0 voti
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@Gavin : Thank you. I would like to ask if I can post the video I making here soon on how to do that with a DJM-2000.

@ Steve : If you have a DJM-2000 and DJM-1000 rotary kit i can Help out some how PM me.

@ BriChi NY = Rotary city!!! ;)

xDallas Brownx 0 voti
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I would like to see the DJM2000 install too just for future reference, I have pics on the DJM900 one but I know Pioneer wont be too happy and I doubt they will allow a video of modifying their gear

BriChi 0 voti
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I attached a pic of my 900 done, Led modded also. No inside pics though because I know Pioneer doesnt want that posted

BriChi 0 voti
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Nice I didn't think about the led mod but now gunna have to do what I have to do!!!

xDallas Brownx 0 voti
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BriChi & Dallas AWESOME work !!!!!!!!!!!

To be honest I have put off getting a new mixer because of the rotary option not available for the 900 & 2000 (from reading a couple years ago). Recently just purchased the CDJ 2000 NXS which should be coming in the next couple weeks. I really REALLY want to update my mixer as well. 

It looks like the rotary can only be modified to fit in the DJM 2000 MK1 judging from the pictures (no screws to take off faceplate in DJM 2000 NXS) 

I am VERY interested in seeing the videos you guys (BriChi & Dallas) made in doing the modification. Could you please send me a link to watch v i n c e g a e t a n o @g m a i l .com

DJC800RV 0 voti
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I dont have a video but I do have a lot of pics with instructions I will email to you from my gmail acct

BriChi 0 voti
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I'm a little interested in LED modding my DJM-2000...

Mark90 0 voti
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yead Mark, I love the led scheme I did, I cant wait to decide If I am actually keeping the Nexus decks so i can mod them, holding off till the new fw update

BriChi 0 voti
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I was thinking a few white LEDs woiuld go nicely on my DJM ;)

Mark90 0 voti
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Ugh, the more I come to this thread and the more I see @BriChi's 900, makes me want to add a rotary kit to mine!

@BriChi, how easy would you say it is to replicate, for someone who has no experience regarding this sort of stuff? (I know you touched base on it in the beginning of the thread)

housekeys 0 voti
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Well that suck that the DJM2000nexus face plate is two big whole one pieces. One rotary kit making is super hard and two changing or cleaning the fader you have to take of all the knobs too LAME!!!!!!!

xDallas Brownx 0 voti
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Mine video is in the works of being made its more like a picture step by step process to install.

xDallas Brownx 0 voti
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yup, I took mine apart the week i bought the 900 to play with the rotary kit taken out of my 800, got it to work then started modding the plates to fit

BriChi 0 voti
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