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Firmware update for DJM-2000?

I'm guessing the new firmware "at the end of the month" didn't make it out the doors yet? Do we have a new ETA or any update on the matter? Thank you kindly!

Justin Juneau

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@Justin > As Capitan has pointed out above, an announcement will be made next week.

Gavin 0 voti
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Last week you said next week. Now this week is next week. Last month was by the end of the month. Seriously please make up your mind. I'm tired of following these threads every single day of every single week for nothing to happen... 

FSR 0 voti
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@Francisco I completely understand your frustration bro. But you really shouldn't "shoot the messenger".  Gavin could have easily ignored this thread and provided us with no eta, so lets all try to be grateful we have someone at Pioneer responding.  I've scoured the forms and see people asking for this firmware in July and earlier. 

The fact of the matter is, no one but the engineering team and directors have a clue as to the progress of any such firmware update.  Gavin can give us some insight regarding rumors around the office but in actuality, he has no control of when the update comes out, if ever.

When we forked over a decent chunk of change for this mixer there was never any guarantee as to how many firmware updates we would be entitled to, if any.  At the end of the day, does your mixer power on and function?  If yes, then be thankful for that.  if no, then it's time to send it in to the repair shop. 

Again, I understand your frustration as I bought this mixer one week before the DJM-2000Nexus was announced.  I was pretty pissed but with technology your never going to have the latest and greatest for very long...  If the manufacture continues to support your "old" hardware, be thankful, otherwise they will be more than happy to turn their back to you.


Justin Juneau 0 voti
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Hey man I know, and I appreciate Gavin's effort. I'd just rather have no solid ETA (like next week, for example) because I've been wasting a lot of time here everyday refreshing all the threads. I'd rather just not really know when it will be available than have to waste my time waiting for a day when it wont arrive that day. I actually do not have any problems with the mixer, except for loud effects like the noise and the touchscreen effects, which I never use cause they just really suck... but now that I know that these things can be improved, I can't help but stress  about it... and having the beat slicer effect, well now I really want it you know? But I don't blame Gavin - I blame the people behind the scenes, who appear to be somewhat incompetent and they're the ones to blame for people blaming Gavin and Pulse... you get me? I'll just wait for this firmware and shut up about it... hopefully they don't mess up anything else...

FSR 0 voti
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Well I get the blues when I hear next week or next month and I think that is the same for all of us mk1 owners but I won't  make too much noise as I posted earlier in the year that I would be Happy if the mixer was fixed by chrimbo ! 

But as we could end up with cool features like beat slice  then perhaps I should just be happy that this is just done thoroughly so it does not require a further update to fix yet more glitches ThE 2000 IS A SOLID MIXER and deserves the right care and attention to make it sing like a banshee !!

But get this done before December the 25th would be a fine thing Pioneer engineers !

D Mark Mills 0 voti
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Agree with both of you.  It would be a nice Christmas present from Pioneer :)

@Francisco I hear you bro..  I stopped checking the forms.  I've enabled email notifications when a thread gets updated so hopefully one of the threads I've replied to will keep me posted when the update comes out.  Try not to stress out around the holiday season..  Take your mind off the situation with a few beers and make a couple mixes :)  Cheers!

Justin Juneau 0 voti
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Trust me guys, I'm on your side to get this out ASAP. It's in all of our best interests (including Pioneers) to get it soon.

Gavin 0 voti
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I'm with Francisco on this. Would be better not to hear a date, since it never works out and that frustrates me even more. Also, an announcement is not a release, so don't get your hopes up of getting the update next week. And no Gavin, i ain't pointing fingers at you, ain't your fault they gave you the wrong date. Doesn't make any sense that we had to wait right till the day that you said we should see an update "end of november", then to hear that it isn't getting released. I'm sure we could have been told days before since they knew they were running out of time.  That "end of november" statement was said on the 15th, two weeks before the end of the month.  I figured since we didn't see any threads from pioneer saying that there was issues with the update, then we were gonna finally see an update,  but, on the day of the release, we see a message saying that the update isn't getting released.   I wouldn't have been so disappointed if i knew earlier that it might not be coming out, due to some issues.  But since nothing was said, i had my hopes up :(

RedTurboMr2 0 voti
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@Red > I know you're not pointing the finger and I apologise for your frustration. Unfortunately, I don't happen to know a date right now but I am pushing for better information. There was some miscommunication between what was put in the press announcement and what was actually planned so it wasn't a case of "we're running out of time but won't say anything until the last minute".

I'm sorry again.

Gavin 0 voti
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Announcement on the DJM2k page...


Copied from above link:

New DJM-2000 Firmware Update

To all DJM-2000 users, we sincerely appreciate your patience in waiting for the announced DJM-2000 firmware update originally due for November ’12.

Whilst we’re a little late, the good news is it’s now ready and we’ve also brought forward additional future updates into this one.

Thank you for using Pioneer DJ products and continued support.

Update version overview Scheduled download start date : End of Dec. 2012 Update content :  Allows certain functions of the DJM-2000nexus to be used with the DJM-2000.  New SIDECHAIN REMIX functions with enhanced performance capability for DJM-2000nexus will become available on DJM-2000.  -BEAT SLICE REMIX  -SYNC MASTER  -PEAK LIMITER  -SIDECHAIN REMIX manual effects


hatrik 0 voti
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@Gavin - I think I heard you breathe a sigh of relief! +1 on the w00t!

hatrik 0 voti
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So it only specifies that the sidechain remix functions bla bla bla will be available on the old djm 2000 but the other ones - beat slice, etc, are not specified to work with the old djm 2000? why can't they just write a CLEAR message?

FSR 0 voti
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@Francisco I think these are just the "additional" features that they didn't list in the original notification..  Basically, the way I read it was, you get all of the features we announced plus....  You should be doing the happy dance :P

Justin Juneau 0 voti
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@hatrik thank you for the link to the post

@Gavin thank you for your persistence and tolerating all the negative feedback. You've got a tough job bro

@everyone-else Cheers! :)

Justin Juneau 0 voti
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@Francisco J - read the announcement again... Better still go to the link, it's formatted correctly there...

...New SIDECHAIN REMIX functions with enhanced performance capability for DJM-2000nexus will become available on DJM-2000.  -BEAT SLICE REMIX  -SYNC MASTER  -PEAK LIMITER  -SIDECHAIN REMIX manual effects

hatrik 0 voti
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Hmmm, with that info from the support site.  Why do we have to wait three more weeks if it clearly says "Whilst we’re a little late, the good news is it’s now ready".  If it's ready,  why can't we have it?

RedTurboMr2 0 voti
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@hatrik > I asked them last week to make an announcement - this is it!

@Francisco > ALL the functions. All, ALL. ALL. ALL ALL ALL __ALL

Gavin 0 voti
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@Red > There's quite a detailed list of things that need to be done. Its not just a matter of getting the firmware ready - there'll likely be videos released in relation to the firmware as well as getting all the global information pages updated with the download links etc. Plus they've incorporated future additions and tweaks into v3.0 while they've had it in their hands...

Gavin 0 voti
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lmao,  this is a joke.  We don't need the videos, and it doesn't take three weeks to upload download links. What kinds of hours do the engineers work? 3 on 4 off, 2pm to 5pm shifts?  Something ain't right.

RedTurboMr2 0 voti
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Oh, and gavin,  did they tell you if we needed the cdj2000 nexus to use the beat slice?

RedTurboMr2 0 voti
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Guys, again..  Don't shoot the messenger :)  He's just here to spread the word.  Yeah we know the engineers/management/directors are not on the same page but don't kill the guy whose feeding us the inside scoop.  The videos will probably explain what these new features are and how they work.  Whether or not we need them is beyond the scope of this thread.  There are going to be thousands of other users complaining that they don't know how to use the features and/or don't know how to load the firmware, firmware doesn't work, etc... 


The good news the light is shining at the end of the tunnel.  Gavin is pointing us down what he believes is the correct tunnel and everyone is ranting and raving the tunnel is too long....  Seriously, it's been how many years since the last "real" update?  We can wait a couple weeks.

Justin Juneau 0 voti
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OK now I am officially happy waiting till the end of the month - thanks Gavin!!

Now I will patiently wait and stop refreshing these damn threads every 5 minutes!

FSR 0 voti
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@RedTurboMr2 > I'm just giving you an idea of what is involved. There's quite a lot has to be documented too. Videos and documentation may not be necessary for you but there are a whole world of users who do appreciate same. Its also a relevant PR / marketing exercise.

So, other question - do we need CDJ2000nexus to make use of the additional DJM2000nexus features? No. The Beat Slice etc will work with any (thats ANY) input. If you watched the launch video, you can see Monsta used the Beat Slice on the live vocalist.

Gavin 0 voti
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Red, ffs, the update is nearly in our hands, the mixer is pretty much being upgraded to a Nexus, and you still complain.  End of December?  So what?  If it's 3 weeks extra testing then I'm fine with that.

And again, the Beat Slice will work with MK1 decks, it says that on the DJM Nexus product page, if you read the small print.

Mark90 0 voti
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In other news, I'm desperate to see the full changelist.  Fingers crossed for 100% fade on the Jet Inst FX.

Mark90 0 voti
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Lets not push them to hard now when we are almost there, let them test the firmware instead of using us as beta testers and having us wait another year for a fix.

dtm 0 voti
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