OMG, bit of a shocker when I first browsed to this new forum using my iPad:
Reminded me of the good old WAP days LOL
Looks a lot better on my pc though, phew.
Please use this article to post your feedback on the new forums. Other articles will be closed so that we can consolidate your comments and thoughts in this one thread.
Thank you.
Il post è chiuso ai commenti.
OMG, bit of a shocker when I first browsed to this new forum using my iPad:
Reminded me of the good old WAP days LOL
Looks a lot better on my pc though, phew.
absolutely horrible.
yet again, piooneer make a change and cock everything up.
i'd much prefer it if you spent your time fixing the faults with your various bits of hardware. the recent update to the cdj900 has screwed up the pitch control.
Stop poncing about on cosmetics.
@UBF > Really? You're complaining about firmware and suggesting that the marketing department should be investing their resources to fix it?
Engineers aren't spending their time making new forums.
Stop "poncing on" about stuff you have no idea about.
lmao, a typical response from Pioneer's resident messanger boy.
nowhere did I suggest it was Engineers making the new forums, nowhere did I suggest the marketing department should be investing their resources to fix the hardware. try reading the posts and stop filling in sentences that don't even exist.
this thread asked for feedback on the new forum, I gave mine.
i doubt anyone gives a monkeys about some new forum, they'd much rather the numerous problems with their hardware worth 1000's of pounds get fixed, and I doubt they'll care whether its the engineer or marketing department that does it.
Stop poncing about on cosmetics.
dont like it.. whats wrong with normal forum software like sfm or vBulletin
wtf it didnt even post everything i wrote ....
Can't start new topics with iphone. Only coment on ones already started.
@DJ Tillaz, normal forum software doesn't provide better integration with the engineering team, I would like to give a big thumbs up for that to Pioneer.
I would also like to add to my previous post, since I can't edit it (yet I hope?), that I like the new layout and structure of this forum. Only thing I'm really missing though is the post counter..
@Arie Lekstman
I'm missing the post counter too. It was good to see who has been here for a while or who is new.
So far only one person has given one positive comment on the new forums. Another forum feedback page i found seem to be closed
I think the rest of the community just couldn't be bothered with the new password changes - caps / lower case / numbers / characters that are not letters etc etc.
Can I ask a question teacher......why has pioneer done this? We were all good little boys and girls.....
Sorry pioneer, you have made a bit of a dogs dinner of this
I like the new layout, and it's a hell of a lot faster than the old one, but we're missing a lot of basic functionality here (no embedding images or video? I mean come on! Screenshots for troubleshooting purposes?!?! Pioneer Promo Videos/Demos of cool stuff with Pioneer products on youtube??? Really??? What are we in, the 90's).
I can't help but think that software aimed at help desk/support probably wasn't the optimal solution for hosting a community forum?
Also: I just had to post the above reply twice, first time came back with a single error 'FORBIDDEN'
Just read DJ Graham's reply as well, the password policy is way too complex IMO, if I didn't love using RekordBox and want to see it develop into a full fledged monster I probably wouldn't've bothered.
don't like!!!!
how you can think this is going to be better for your customers is ridiculous ,and this thread will show you that ..give it a few days and it will be pages long of people that don't like it..maybe you should ask people first b4 you make such a move ..or is this forum for pioneer and not its customers...to me it just seem's like a way of stopping people using it ..with all the "you cant do this and you can't do that and that and that and that
To be honest i think the hate campaign is an over reaction,
Some companies dont even bother to provide forums and dont want to give their customers somewhere to get support or rant etc.
Give it a few weeks you will have forgotten the old forums.
Anything that gives us a better route to the engineers is good in my book and that's what this is all about.
I kind've agree with Pionix re: the hate campaign, but I still stand by that this forum system is lacking some very basic functionality.
this seems more a blog than a forum.
There might be several advantages for the forum admins and programmers so I understand.. personally I liked the old Topic style we had on the previous forum more.
It would be nice if there where sub-categories on here so you could really categorize everthing.
Like we had before..
My simple example..
Instead of:
Make sub categories like:
Hmm.. strangely enough The things I wrote down did not display in my message above.. weird.
My examples where like:
Forums/Pionee Gear/ CDJ Players/ CDJ 900 & 2000
Forums/Pionee Gear/ CDJ Players/ CDJ 350 & 850
great.. this f**king sucks.
To all > If you don't like the password scheme, you are living in the dark ages. Password security should be a priority on any website you visit. If you don't like it, login with your Twitter, Facebook, Google or OpenID account instead.
@UBF > If you don't like it, you're welcome to leave. Regardless of the forums, the engineering team is still working on improving the hardware and software.
@DJ Tillaz > Did you type any HTML or other characters that might have caused the full posting to somehow get filtered?
@Arie > Editing your own post is one of the things we've asked Zendesk to improve. The post-counter is really a vanity display, but we've asked for that and other info (like location) to be displayed with the user's name and avatar beside the posts.
@DJ Graham > We decided to make the change for improved communication and feedback with the engineers. Would you rather have a great forum but horrible support interaction?
@Angus > Again, something we've requested. You can use URLs for that in the meantime. Agents are able to embed, so we know their system is capable of it. As for the "FORBIDDEN", was it possibly because you clicked the "Save comment" button twice?
@oreste > Very constructive, thanks for the feedback.
@kplex > I have no doubt that this will absolutely be better for the customers... and we did consult with them. We tested various software options for two months and decided on Zendesk. Two weeks ago, several forum members were brought over to test it themselves and they helped us in finding other issues and drawbacks that we had overlooked, but even before the final decision was made, all those considerations were taken into account. As I have previously stated, I believe that this software greatly improves the support network for Pioneer and while the forums may be a step back, as @Pionix says, many manufacturers don't provide a forum -- he was one of our testers and seems to be okay with things.
@BeatUnite > Looks like the system parses copy/pastes a bit funny, I'll try and test that and report any bugs to Zendesk. The forum organization and grouping was chosen to consolidate similar products and provide an easier method of finding relevant posts.
@Brad > Again, thanks for the overwhelmingly constructive feedback.
Okay Pulse, Thnx for the quick response.
@Pulse, Ok great, thanks! I personally find a topic counter more than just a vanity thing btw, but that's just personal taste I guess.
If I might make another suggestion as well, it would be nice to be able to update your profile with your gear, but perhaps this has already been suggested to Zendesk as well. Cheers!
It's "hard-work" to me at the moment, but I'll stick at.
At the end of the day, it's just a learning curve you get with most new S/W
Servers it purpose good enough IMO. But I think this site should use SSL, because the password security is useless if its in clear text on the network.
We do realise it is a big change and it was to us too when we began testing it.
As with all new software, becoming accustomed to something new can be difficult but we've already seen how efficient this system is - someone had an issue, we raised a ticket with the engineers and they had a response in a few short hours. This saves anything potentially getting lost in emails or failure to include the appropriate contacts.
Furthermore, what I really like about this system is the fact that we are trying to have answers ready for all new users to the forums - saving them having to post new threads and ask questions that have already been answered - just check out our FAQ section for example.
We appreciate your constructive feedback and are working with Zendesk to improve the user experience.
+1 on the no SSL comment. A secure password is useless when transmitted in clear text.
@Pulse > As pointed out, the password is pointless if it's transmitted in clear text (which isn't something I picked up on last night), but my point was: I see the need for password complexity, but does it need to be so complex? (lower case, capital, punctuation AND number, why not just any 3 out of the 4?)
@Angus / @Matt > I didn't make the rules for the password requirements - we opted for this level of password because the one below it was simply "min 6 characters". It's not really a matter of security - this is a forum, not your bank. If you're so up-tight about it, you'd already be using HTTPS-Everywhere, even though it doesn't necessarily apply here.
HTTPS-Everywhere isn't a viable solution. It doesn't work well.
Your argument that it's not a matter of security is contradicted by you not choosing to use the "min 6 characters option" -- if security doesn't matter, or isn't the responsibility of your system, why have any at all? I'm sure Sony can offer you some color on the matter.
How do you unsubscribe from these forums? I've been sick of your tone for years.