LOL - welcome to globalization, get used to it. ;)
Hate to sound like a hater, but why can't Pioneer use american speaking instructors on their videos. I'm not racist against other nationalities, but Ican't stand the heavy accents. Maybe it's just me, but I can take the abuse, can we please have good old american instructors please??
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LOL - welcome to globalization, get used to it. ;)
Massive LOL - And Americans don't have heavy accents???
Which videos specifically?
The videos that speak about the new products and or how to use the equipment, thanks for listening me out.
@ MrChukkel, hahaha!! I know what you mean B-)
I like how Gav asks which ones :-p
Are you paranoid it was your reallllly irish accent :-)
Hahaha!! Your funny MrChukkel, no pun intended!!
Well yeah, I want to know if its me!
And I've told you before, its not that Irish!
Heheh brilliant!
Trend, think yourself lucky. Pioneer is a Japanese corporation. You'd be a bit gutted if they went back to their roots and just released videos in good old traditional Japanese.
LOL gavin i am from Ireland too, Armagh in fact.
And even i have trouble unstanding you lot from south of the border, and those from cork i just tend to zone out
And might aswell add, if we are going to complain about accents and not understanding, i dont think it should be broadcast in japanese because you want to hit the widest possible audience and as there is 1.1billion people speak Mandarin(chinese), as apposed to 480million English speakers maybe it would be more financially viable for pioneer to broadcast in Mandarin
@Mark90, true. But the Dj line was targeted in the United States at first. I know because I saw them the for the first time back in 1998 at the Bar & Nightclub, DJ convention in Las Vegas and was blown away by the CDJ-500's. Still own a pair but need a bit of maintanence to get them back in proper playing condition, hahaha!! Sorry Gavin, I can't hear you speak thru letters :-)
@Ric > Apart from having an Irish accent, I don't have a county specific accent at all - I've yet to meet someone that can guess what part of Ireland I am from.
@ Gavin , I guess Dublin :-)
People from Dublin have very distinctive accents! But no, I'm not from there...
Well I have not seen these videos people are talking about so couldn't begin to make a judgment
The videos that PIONEER USA puts up on youtube on new gear that has just come out. And or their videos that help you use the equipment and they have some european spokesperson speaking about it.
And? Do you not understand what they're saying? They ARE speaking English...
Sometime I understand, somtimes I don't....They have them in other langauges except good old american english. I just ask for simple things, and everyone gets so offensive.
"Good old American English"? What? Seriously? Please.
I've come to decide this is just a troll. Closing this topic.