Oooh exciting!
Happy Christmas folks! Pulse and I are feeling generous this year so, at our own expense, we're gonna send you some highly exclusive and very rare Pioneer stuff!
You may have noticed that Pioneer UK are giving away some awesome 2012 Calendars (as opposed to the 2011 calendars we gave out at BPM in October - one guy actually said "ah well, I can use it next year"). But Pioneer UK has thousands of followers and are only giving out 50!
Well, I got my hands on some so we're going to do something - haven't made up our minds who is deserving of what just yet.
I'll throw in a lanyard or two if I can find some around the house too.
I know Pulse has some pretty decent stuff on offer too but I'll let him tell you about that.
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Oooh exciting!
Nice! I hope it's not dress up as your hero because the last winner of that is tough to beat.(Silver Surfer)
Oh and Happy Christmas to you too!
Starting from now, we want to see some funny and festive pictures featured around you, Christmas and your Pioneer equipment.
Photos can be funny etc but please keep them PG. Post your entries here to this thread. There's no 1st place, 2nd place etc.... We'll keep mailing out prizes until they're gone to the ones we find the best.
This is very open ended so go have fun! For a greater chance of winning follow Pulse and I on Twitter:
Merry Christmas everyone! one thing I would love to find under my Christmas tree this year is a USB key with some nice FW updates for my DJM-2000 and CDJs ;)
Anyone getting some Christmas/festive photos up soon?
Let's see some of your photos guys... :)
I decided to take a quick shot today. As you can tell, I went all out on this one! ;) lol
I'll consider taking some more and getting into the spirit, but I need some motivation from others posting your pics. :D
Haha - c'mon guys, we're talking free swag here for a photo. It's not terribly difficult!
Does that mean mine seriously qualifies Pulse? lol
I'll get a couple more going but probably won't be today.
Hey everyone, I got a sneak peak of Santa's Workshop before Christmas...
Here was his plan for this year:
i was drunk when i found this post :)
Happy New Year Guys n Gals!
lol - is that why the photos are blurry? ;)
LOL ... erm that will just be me rollin round in the dark taking pictures in bad light lolol,
Here's my Christmas Present from the wife if that helps,
Here's my CDJ-2000 Christmas pictures! I hope I'll get at least a sticker because it took me over an hour to cut out the christmas paper, lol! :)
Happy New Year!
LOL good work!!
Trying to think something up but drawing a blank so far... :-(
@Pionix > lol drunk Santa loves to mix?
@oakstream > That's awesome! lol I'll take 2 please? :D
@Mark90 > If you have some HDJ's, hop outside in the winter weather and wear your headphones for earmuffs or something. lol Just a thought as that was something I was thinking of doing. You can take it though as I'm not good with making pictures look funny. ;)
@oakstream > LMFAO - BADASS! I'll give that a nod. :D
@Pulse, Pionix & Foster: Thanks for the comments! :)
It's a little bit hard to see, but it's Santa DJing in the cover art of the tracks! See attached picture.
LMAO - the image loaded slowly here so it was funny to watch it from top-down getting wider and wider. Well done. :)
haha, yeah it's 7.7 MB. I should have made it a bit smaller before uploading it, but I guess it gives a good effect the way it is.
Anyone want to guess how many lights I was able to fit on it? lol
@Pulse > Just wait until you see my next one in a couple days!!! It should top all of mine so far! lol
Ok, I got pretty delayed unfortunately, and my initial idea I decided was just rubbish. It's technically the twelfth and last day of Christmas, so I'm just in time still, so this is my even just as lame last ditch attempt. Enjoy a weird picture of my EFX wearing a santa hat with some bizarre blue angel wings. Merry EFXmas!
Achieved with an over-expensive camera, wide angle lens, 2 flashes, a blue filter and a remote trigger.
Oh, and a bunch of Pioneer gear and a santa hat.
I give that a WIN if only for style and the funny name! ;)
nice shot :)
good work
Looks really cool.
Heheh thanks! :-D
I must say, I like the Pioneer Christmas tree, and big kudos to the excellently crafted CDJ-2000 "DeXmasSaver"!
@Mark90 > That's a great picture! Well done!!
Unfortunately I won't be getting my last picture anytime soon as the weather has been the exact opposite of what I need right now. I'll get it as soon as I can for everyone.
Ok Pulse, who is deserving of some swag?